雙子座的優缺點,有沒有人可以幫我翻成英文!! - 生活

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2005-04-23T00:00

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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2005-04-27T08:54
優 點

  缺 點

  性 格 傾 向

Gifted in many ways, see people talk about people's words, advance and retreat sensitivly , smoothly and slickly , is good at communication , know how to adjust to changed conditions , full of vitality , good at communicating , knowing to advance and retreat , have a sense of propriety , adaptive capacity is strong, humorous, adaptive capacity is strong, quick-witted, quick, like busy and changing , initiative , lively and talkative , bright gifted in many ways , with writing and language respect talent , having the sharp one to experience strength to the fashion, appearance that can be for ever which keep young and fashionable.

Brief period of enthusiasm, apt to change, conduct oneself in society and lack the principle, lift a ten instead , overly the nervousness, do things and scratch the surface and does not deepen , too slick and sly, it is apt to be tense , the will lacks resolution , the ones that let people feel are not reliable , attentively, suspect heart serious , apt to change , double personality , lack patience , cunning , uneasy copy, remakable energy it fails to be short-tempered chattering when giving vent to.

The personality is inclined to
Gemini is from winter to spring, appear in a constellation on the east bank of the Milk Way. The symbol of Gemini expresses twins' brother, its defending star is ' Mercury ', the patron saint, in order to arrange knowledge ' beautiful then in Hull '.
The person of Gemini, the greatest characteristic in personality has extremely sharp outsight.
Person of Gemini, craftsmanship is very dexterous, can demonstrate one's own ability too. But come on the other hand and say , having made allly and understood , all trouble not precise. Strong curiosity, with absorbing the desire of new knowledge constantly, will make the person of Gemini often keep young , and glamorous, make numerous friends around around him. The individual character is sharp and swift. There are strong curiosity and curiosity, very sharp to new idea and thoughts and feelings of prevailing newly. Clever and quick-witted, there are eloquences , it is a strategy family and make a speech in the family. It can be appropriate and corresponding that anything crops up, observe calmly, courageous and resolute and take on . And there is idea of some sudden caprice frequently, will suppose boldly, the individual character solved carefully.
A personality of Gemini is an artist with perverse temper attitude, another personality is a clear social family, such double personality will make person of Gemini, it is contradictory for life to take place, like illusion, it is apt to be satisfied with thinking of and daydream of Shenyang. But rich inspiration and strength of imagining, is that so, the person of this constellation has a lot of writers, the founder of new art, the inventor, composer,etc.. The advantage has potential art, the shortcoming is to tend to delay, selfish, not caring about others' emotion and thought , nervousness is not easy to get along etc..
The person of Gemini has ability in many aspects, but keep forging ahead , is not anxious about in intuition effectively quickly in movement, happy and lively , clever and apt to change. Good speech eloquence, the thought is unique , imagine strength strong, there is sense of humour, there is good outsight and comprehend strength, rich and quick-witted. The appearance is very cordial, very cold but in the heart.
Like having two kinds of jobs, two kinds of romantic experience, like the life full of variety, like frequent travel. Have very great adaptive capacity to different environments , is good at adjusting to changed conditions. This constellation person compares and is controlled by reason , it is difficult to carry away by emotion, seldom go through the deep love.


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2005-04-22T00:00
拜託有此知識的大大解答,謝謝andlt;(_ _)andgt;


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2005-04-22T00:00


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2005-04-22T00:00
怎麼樣的姿勢睡覺比較可以保健脊椎曾經受傷的脊椎如果久坐或久站就容易酸痛請問是否可以利用睡覺的時間來做 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2005-04-22T00:00


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2005-04-22T00:00