關於哈佛補習班週三彭湘平的聽說大班 - 英檢

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-04-22T20:26

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Tags: 英檢

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Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-04-27T03:48
自問自答是要問幾次 IP位置也改一下吧


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-04-22T18:44
⊙﹏⊙時間好快喔!!! 一下就到了考試前一天了... 現在心情真複雜... 我要在士林地球村考 希望各位明天的托福IBT考生大家都可以考到想要的成績!!!!! 加油阿!!!!!! - ...

3/13 TOEFL五戰103心得文 (補送佛3週+自修2週破百心得)

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-04-22T18:41
全部考試皆在站前地球村 Sep. 18, 2010 R26/ L19/ S19(FFL)/ W22(FG) Total:86 Nov. 28, 2010 R24/ L18/ S18(FFL)/ W22(FF) Total:82 Dec. 11, 2010 R29/ L20/ S19(LFF) ...

the strongest performance "by" any o …

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-04-22T15:42
昨天去請教英文補習班老師,他回我了 所以將我整理出來的貼上來和大家分享 China’s economy was growing at an annual rate of 9.7 percent ,by far the strongest performance and#34;byand#34; any o ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-04-22T14:36
有兩個問題 想知道這句話大概的意思是?? because soil gains and losed heat quickly, water is milder along a seacoust than in an area far from a large body of water 自己的翻譯 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-04-22T10:25
康老師andamp;威廉老師大放送: 新托福點題班六星級機密講義 iBT綜合寫作真題下載!!(音檔+文稿) http://0rz.tw/peVeE 本次分享內容為 iBT綜合寫作真題-2010.1.30US(4-6月考試同學必練) 大家加油喔^^ by 字神帝國助教 - ...