請教一個英文文法問題 - 自學

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-10-17T23:44

Table of Contents

※ 引述《filly0319 (☆菲小莉☆)》之銘言:
: All that caffeine may be doing more than just waking you up
: ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
: 請問為什麼要用be doing 和 waking 而不是用do 和 wake 呢?

caffeine may be doing-----這裡指的是它在體內正在進行的化學反應

ex:在Parkinson' disease患者體內的作用

化學反應屬於反覆重複進行的快速動作,所以使用be doing



Tags: 自學

All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-10-18T21:01


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-10-17T23:18
p.161 RETAIL INSTALLMENT CONTRACT AND SECURITY AGREEMENT The Undersigned (herein called Purchaser) from Stein Brothers, Inc. (seller) and g ...

Re: 朗文advance改錯

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-10-17T23:02
1.if 2.which或that 3.if ※ 引述《mokia2424 ()》之銘言: : p.147 Q.2 : The service representative said that she didnand#39;t know how long the repairs : would take a ...

Re: 朗文advance

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-10-17T22:44
p.147 Q.2 The service representative said that she didnand#39;t know how long the repairs would take and asked that we wanted a temporary replacement free ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-10-17T22:30
All that caffeine may be doing more than just waking you up ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 請問為什麼要用be doing 和 waking 而不是用do 和 wake 呢? ...

多益Longman Advance練習測驗準確度??

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-10-17T21:09
剛剛花了兩個小時完整做完一次Longman Advance那本的Preactice Test Two 結果出乎我意料外我的聽力只錯了10題(平時聽的沒白費了 T_T) 閱讀部份則是錯了20題.... 這樣我依照後面規則算出來的分數是 495(居然滿分) + 385 = 890分!!!!! 那我真的去考 ...