Re: 朗文advance - 自學

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-10-17T22:44

Table of Contents

p.147 Q.2
The service representative said that she didn't know how long the repairs
would take and asked that we wanted a temporary replacement free of charge.

p.148 Q.6
These are among the most popular products on the market is a well-known
fact, and we believe that they will continue to be popular for years to come.

p.148 Q.8
New employees usually want to know how many vacation days they are entitled to
and does the company provides health care coverage.



Tags: 自學

All Comments

多益Longman Advance練習測驗準確度??

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-10-17T21:09
剛剛花了兩個小時完整做完一次Longman Advance那本的Preactice Test Two 結果出乎我意料外我的聽力只錯了10題(平時聽的沒白費了 T_T) 閱讀部份則是錯了20題.... 這樣我依照後面規則算出來的分數是 495(居然滿分) + 385 = 890分!!!!! 那我真的去考 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-10-17T19:06
如題 請解惑 一行文 對不起阿 囧 - ...

請教板上 TOEIC 考試神人

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-10-17T18:22
嗯 我不知道原來toeic700分就可以叫做神人耶 首先 toeic的考試內容和單字大多不難 所以重要的是熟悉native speakers的語調和常用的文書格式 例如邀請函 開會通知或登報啟示等 因此 我會建議常常聽英文 不論是聽icrt或是看cnn或hbo 都可以 並且找報紙上的廣告 熟悉它的寫法並且判斷 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-10-17T12:56
目前想要買書來自己準備多益 有個問題想請教大家 就是朗文的preparation series for the toeic test: advanced course 我在書店有看到第四版 也在另外一家書店看到第三版的 第四版似乎是給新制的 因為它的標題是寫 for the new toeic tes ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-10-17T11:33
參考一下官方網站吧 簡單來說就是考試題數不變(兩百題) 但是內容感覺變難了點 還有口說與寫作測驗目前還沒決定推出時間(會是網路測驗不是紙本) 有關內容變更的部份節錄如下: 聽力測驗有三項改變: I ...