許章真托福進階字典1 - 英檢

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-09-28T13:48

Table of Contents

許章真托福進階字典1 page 14
authority: This will not be approved of the local authorities. 應該改成
authority: This will not be approved (of) by the local authorities.
許章真托福進階字典1 page 26
bush: Stop heating around the bush! 應該改成
bush: Stop beating around the bush!
許章真托福進階字典1 page 28
category: n what category do Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln belong?
category: In what category do Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln belong?
許章真托福進階字典1 page 35
concentration: The largest concentrations of iron one are found in the
sedimentary deposits of the earth's crust. 應該改成
concentration: The largest concentrations of iron ore are found in the
sedimentary deposits of the earth's crust.
許章真托福進階字典1 page 38
consult: They consult our interests. 應該改成
consult: They consult us about our interests.
許章真托福進階字典1 page 41
credit: He always crdits everything her says.
credit: He always crdits everything she says.
許章真托福進階字典1 page 42
crowd: He decids to walk instead of drive because all the cars caused a great
deal of crowd. 應該改成
crowd: He decides to walk instead of drive because all the cars caused a great
deal of crowd.
許章真托福進階字典1 page 298
sly: The sly cat stole the meat white the cook turned away. 應該改成
sly: The sly cat stole the meat while the cook turned away.

※ 編輯: ngiiong (, 10/01/2015 18:03:42

Tags: 英檢

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兩堂課神奇 86->100 感激謝忠理免費課程

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-09-27T16:43
因原作者無發文權限,本文為代PO。 2013-10-12 R:20 L:23 S:17(FLL) W:20(FF) TOTAL: 80 (2013) 2015-07-12 R:19 L:26 S:23(FFF) W:18(FF) TOTAL: 86 (2015) 2015-09-12 R:25 L:28 S ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2015-09-26T06:40
啊~明天就要二戰了(北美場) 一戰的時候考了很低 R8 L18 S24 W20 Total70 後來做tpo reading 一直在14-21中間 希望明天可以上85! 大家加油!:) - ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-09-25T22:15
看了很多人高分的心得下面都會寫原本英文程度 我覺得也許我的英文還不錯 不需要像他們那麼努力才能得到那樣的分數 因為像我自己學測15級分,指考91分 但是第一次做完TPO真的很挫折 因為題目做不完 分數有夠難看 尤其閱讀只做完了R1和R2 請問這樣是正常的嗎? 聽力也沒做完 但沒有閱讀慘 因為現在開學了 只有 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-09-25T18:56
請問8/1考試的大家收到成績單了嗎??等到現在還沒收到也太久了吧會不會寄丟了… -- Sent from my Android - ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-09-25T18:23
同學您好: 首先,我們很抱歉相關規定造成您的不愉快,本院在此做以下說明: 同學在報名的第一時間,會選擇上課班別是實體課或Video課(文中同學選擇的應為實體課 ),報名實體課的學員,我們將會保障同學在實體班的座位。而實體班同學的上課權益是 進班上課,理應照約定課表來進行課程。 我們體諒同學難免會有臨時且無 ...