英文討論會徵會員(台北市) - 自學

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-05-04T01:48

Table of Contents

※ 引述《cochonne (可愛小母豬)》之銘言:
: Hello! We're a group of English learners who get together every Saturday
: afternoon, practice English speaking, and share our opinions and experiences.
: If you are also eager to improve your English fluency, we sincerely welcome
: you to be part of our study group!

: The following is some information about our study group:
: 1. Time: We meet every Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 (Sometimes we get
: so chatty that we don't stop until 6 PM. But, of course, you are free to
: excuse yourself whenever you feel the need to leave.)

: 2. Place: We used to meet at the Dante Cafe on Roosevelt Road in the Gong-guan
: area. But, since it has been undergoing renovations for the past few weeks,
: meetings will be held at the MOS Burger on Roosevelt Road near the Tai-power
: Building MRT station.
: 3. Study Content: The English-learning magazine "Advanced" and the weekly
: discussion questions posted on their website (www.studioclassroom.com) are
: used as a springboard for our English discussion. (All discussions are
: conducted in English!) Our discussion often extends into our experiences and
: daily lives.
: 4. Members: We currently have 3-5 regular members. Some are working, and the
: others are university students. One member has passed the GEPT advanced
: level, and all the others' English proficiency is around or above the GEPT
: high-intermediate level. Most importantly, we all love practicing English
: speaking and always have a lively discussion when we get together.

: If you are interested in joining this study group, please reply to my
: mailbox on PPT. Don't forget to introduce yourself with a little self
: introduction and leave your e-mail account and your phone number, so that
: I can contact you and keep you posted.
: We're looking forward to your reply. :)



Tags: 自學

All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2006-05-05T20:40
糟!! 就是不該翻的阿~~看不懂的人就會自動跳過阿…XD


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2006-05-03T22:50
※ 引述《chrisjon (重考生布丁狗)》之銘言: : 因為英文太差,現在開始看英文故事書 : 但是有些看不太懂,請大大幫忙翻一下 : 書名是Little Women : The four young faces round the fire cheered up as they : thought of ...

time,newsweek,the economist and RD

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-05-03T18:54
看到有time的討論串... 想說把我看過幾種英文雜誌的小心得跟大家分享一下... 可能沒什麼很大的參考價值.... 因為充滿了相當大的無考查資料跟本身的無能orz readerand#39;s digest (RD) 雖然RD後面寫他是全球讀者最多的雜誌, 不過我怎麼覺得他的讀者群都在亞洲區... 也 ...

徵求可以跟我用msn skype聊天in english的朋友

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2006-05-03T18:32
Hi guys, For approving my english conversation ability, iand#39;d like to ask for some pals who could chat with me on msn or skype. Iand#39;m 24 years ol ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2006-05-03T18:14
我想找一起練and#34;說英文and#34;的夥伴,我是文化大學畢業的 雖然也有和外國網友一起練英文,但是程度還差很多,所以都有聽沒有懂, 希望能找一樣是台灣人練習,這樣也許會比較容易溝通, 主要是以skype為主,因為它音質比較好, 因為我白天要上班,所以晚上8:00-10:00是最適合的時間! male ...

一起透過mail, msn, or skype練習英文ꨠ…

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-05-03T07:19
※ 引述《shirlin (寄住在貝殼裡的海)》之銘言: : 想練習writing和speaking, 我想reading和listening就得靠自己多聽多讀了. ^^^^^^^^^ 有 cnn 專門為學生作的 ...