英文信回信請英文高手來幫幫我 - 生活

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-03-17T00:00

Table of Contents

*Look at this extract from an email from Mr Cross, a client, and then read the two replies below.
Which reply would you prefer to receive if you were the client?Why (if neither reply seems satisfactory, why not?)
The fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and we followed the indicated
escape route.But the back stairs were blocked with boxes and we had to go to
back to the main stairs. In a real emergency this would have been very dangerous.
We all had to stand in the street which was cold and dark.The hotel staff did not seem to know what had happened. We were allowed back in after about an hour.Only later did we find out (from another guest ) that there had been a miner fire in the boiler room .
There was no heating the next day because of the boiler fault. We asked the houseeper for extra blanks but none came.
The next morning we complained about the blocked fire stairs at the front desk and they apologised, but in evening the boxes were still there.
*Look at this extract 開始是說明
The fire alarm 開始都是信件內容
是顧客要回信給 MR.Cross
2 個已更新項目:
Dear Mr Cross
Thank you for your email of 3 Noverember.I am very sorry that there were problems during your stay with us in October.It will take me a few days to look into this matter becase I need to talk to all the members of staff who were involved. I will telephone you as I can with my response.
3 個已更新項目:
I would like you to know that we are taking youring complaint very seriously.You are dissatisfied with our serice this gives us a chance to make any improves necessary.
I will contact you if I need to know more from you to help me resolve this matter. Thank you for being so patient.
Your sincerely,
4 個已更新項目:
Dear Mr cross,
Your email of 3 Noverember reading your stay with us in October was forwarded to me. The situation is being looked into and I hope to resovle it quickly.When I have finished my investihation,I will write or call you with a response.
5 個已更新項目:
I assure you that your complaint is being taken seriously.You are a valued guest,and any dissatisfaction on your part indicates an opportunity for improvement on our part
If I need more information from you to help me resolve this matter,I will contact you.Thank you for your patience.
Your sincerely
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我是應外系的 口語課
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我想想怎麼回 再麻煩你幫我修改 謝謝
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他沒說 我覺得要一一為他的問題回答
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字數上限了 不懂你的意思
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你可以給我你的E-mail 嗎?
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我明天要交了 拜託你幫幫我 這裡是我寫的 我寫一半 寫不出來了
14 個已更新項目:
Dear Mr cross:
Thank you for e-mail of email 3 November. We are writing to you in response to your letter of problems. We are very sorry that you meet these thing happen in last month, so I need to understand thouthly.
15 個已更新項目:
You say that the back stair were blocked with boxes. In regard to point, I have to thank you to tall us. We will improve immediately.
Tags: 生活

All Comments

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-03-17T13:47
這看起來是一整大題的題目, 或許您沒有完全貼完?
因為從Look at this extract... 開始 這裡他要你看一封客人的來信, 然後選出下面兩封中如果你是客人, 你會比較希望得到的一封回信, 並且要你解釋為什麼, 若是兩封都不喜歡, 也請解釋出為什麼。
The fire alarm went off in the middle of the night and we followed the indicated
escape route.But the back stairs were blocked with boxes and we had to go to
back to the main stairs. In a real emergency this would have been very dangerous.
半夜時, 火警響了, 我們跟著逃生路線指示走, 但是後面的樓梯被一些紙箱擋住了, 所以我們只好回去走主要的樓梯。若是在緊急的情況下, 這將是非常危險的。
We all had to stand in the street which was cold and dark.The hotel staff did not seem to know what had happened. We were allowed back in after about an hour.Only later did we find out (from another guest ) that there had been a miner fire in the boiler room .
我們站在街上, 又冷又暗。飯店員工就像是什麼也不知道似的。我們在一小時後, 終於被允許回去飯店裡了, 終於在後來我們發現(從另外一個客人口中得知)鍋爐房發生了一個小火災。(miner應為minor)
There was no heating the next day because of the boiler fault. We asked the houseeper for extra blanks but none came.
The next morning we complained about the blocked fire stairs at the front desk and they apologised, but in evening the boxes were still there.
隔一天我們就沒有暖氣了因為鍋爐房起火的關係, 我們向飯店的管家要了幾件毯子, 可是沒有一件毯子被送到。 再隔一天的早上, 我們向櫃檯反應逃生梯被東西擋住, 而他們道歉, 但是在傍晚的時候, 那些箱子竟然還在那裡。
2013-03-18 18:37:57 補充:
因為補充資料沒辦法一次回復太多, 我簡短的回復一下, 你貼上來的兩個回覆我個人認為我會選擇第一個回覆, 因為第一封回覆非常客氣謙遜, 開頭是謝謝您的來信並且立刻道歉, 其他的內容則是大同小異。 有其他問題請再跟我說。因為我也真的不太知道你要的是翻譯還是什麼。
2013-03-18 18:43:04 補充:
2013-03-18 18:49:25 補充:
親愛的Mr. Cross
謝謝你的十一月三日的email, 我很遺憾您十月住在我們飯店時遇上了問題, 這將會需要花我數天來處理因為我需要跟當天有關此事的任何一個我所有的員工和成員交談後, 我才能致電給您做一個回復。我希望您知道我們非常重視您的抱怨, 您對我們服務的不滿讓我們有機會改變。如果我有任何需要您協助處理這件事情的時候, 我將會與您聯絡。 謝謝您的耐心。
2013-03-18 18:54:56 補充:
親愛的Mr Cross
有關您十一月三日寄來有關您十月入住時的信已經被轉寄給我了, 這個問題我們正在處理而我希望可以迅速的處理它。當我完成了我的調查, 我將會寫信給您或是打給您以答覆。我向您保證我們慎重地看待您的抱怨。您是我們珍視的客人, 而任何您有不滿的地方指出我們有改善提升的機會。如果我需要任何您的資訊來協助我處理這件事情, 我會漢您聯絡。 謝謝您的耐心。
2013-03-18 19:03:01 補充:
如果要打一封回信, 我只能幫你翻譯, 因為我不是你, 我不知道你會說什麼。
2013-03-18 19:06:10 補充:
我知道, 可以請問一下這是什麼科系或是什麼課的功課嗎?
2013-03-18 19:08:13 補充:
而且下面有兩篇你額外再貼上來的, 是飯店的回復, 我也翻譯了, 你可以參考一下怎麼回。
2013-03-18 19:10:12 補充:
因為這是功課, 我只能輔助你, 你要有自己想過怎麼回覆我才能輔助你, 我不想害到你不能學習..
2013-03-18 19:13:51 補充:
2013-03-18 19:24:04 補充:
2013-03-18 19:27:42 補充:
因為字數上限了, 接下來我只能在意見回答你。
2013-03-18 20:47:19 補充:
沒關係, 好像是回答他有限字數, 我因為回答加上補充已經字數上限所以他不讓我補充了, 你可以繼續貼上我可以在意見回答你。但若是又字數上線了我可能就沒辦法了。
2013-03-18 22:14:32 補充:
你有今晚急著要嗎?因為我要休息了, 有的話我可以等你一下。
2013-03-20 12:12:16 補充:
是, 這樣做就是抄, 除非你把順序換得都不像抄, 還有把字改一改, 換句話說這樣, 例如you are beautiful->you are so pretty. I am sorry.-> I apologize.
2013-03-21 07:44:36 補充:
Thank you for your email of 3 November. We are writing to you to respond the problems you had while staying at our hotel, but first of all, please accept my apology for your unpleasant stay in October.We strive to ensure our patrons' experiences the best visits possible during their
2013-03-21 07:55:39 補充:
travels, and we genuinely regret the inconvenience caused to you because of the incident. To fully understand the incident, I will talk to all the staffs and all the members involved in this case, and I sincerely hope to give you a fair response as soon as possible. Again, I am really sorry for the
2013-03-21 08:09:20 補充:
unpleasant experience you had with us. We value every suggestion and complaint letter and your comments gave us an opportunity to help us serve you and all our guests in the future better.
2013-03-21 08:15:07 補充:
We hope you will see the improvement and enjoy your time with us in your next visit. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments concerning your stay. And as an apology, we hope you kindly accept a free stay for two days at any location of our hotel's.
2013-03-21 08:18:07 補充:
We look forward to seeing you again.
Best Regards,
名字____________ 日期_________
2013-03-21 08:21:01 補充:
對不起我昨晚有事情 沒來得及回復 現在早上八點 我重新幫你寫過了 你的句子不太通順文法上面也有一些問題 其實我不知道你們老師是希望你們完全性的自己寫回答還是要寫跟那兩封回信差不多 但是我用我自己覺得比較好的方法回信 我還寫了 可以的話請您接受我們的免費招待 希望能幫助到你囉!
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-03-19T01:56
2013-03-19 22:38:30 補充:
我覺得要依題目說明 我想說第一篇回答多家一些我的想法 應該就可以了 你覺得這樣做是抄嗎
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-03-21T13:19
不懂你要問的問題是什麼? 要翻譯嗎?


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By Caitlin
at 2013-03-17T00:00
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By Ina
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Puput avatar
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David avatar
By David
at 2013-03-17T00:00
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