急件~中翻英11句 - 生活

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-11-27T00:00

Table of Contents

1. 我像個沒有澆水的盆栽,慢慢地枯萎
2. 很多辛苦你無法體會,因為那不是你的生活
3. 我該好好休息當我知道明天不會更好
4. 我不再用眼睛看世界,而是用心去想我還擁有什麼
5. 能活在當下就是莫大的幸福
6. 沒有走不過的苦或欄杆
7. 當你選擇放棄才是真正的一無所有
8. 我不能決定生命的寬度,但可以選擇生命的寬度
9. 我依然堅持掌握現在和未來
10. 我不殺伯仁,伯仁卻因我而死
Tags: 生活

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-11-28T18:25
1. I do not like a pot of water, slowly wither
2. You can not understand a lot of hard work, because it is not your life
3. I have a good rest when I know that tomorrow will be better
4. I am not going to see the world with your eyes, heart, but I also have to think about what
5. To live in the present is a great happiness
6. But do not take the suffering or railings
7. When you choose to give up nothing of the real
8. I can not decide on the width of life, but life can choose the width of the
9. I still adhere to grasp the present and the future
10. I do not kill Boren, Boren because I died
11. One of the most complained about the people who are standing in front of your name you want to Thanksgiving

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-11-27T22:00
1. I look like the watering the bonsai, slowly withers
2. Laborious you are unable to realize, because that is not your life
3. I this rest well, when I knew that tomorrow will not be better
4. I no longer use the eye to look at the world, but attentively goes to think that I also have anything
5. Can live in is immediately the greatest happiness
6. Could not have passed through pain or parapet
7. When you choose give up are true do not have a thing in the world
8. I cannot decide the life the width, but may choose the life the width
9. I still insisted that will grasp now and future
10. I do not kill the primary kernel, the primary kernel actually die because of me
11. One this complaint people, actually stands in you are called you to at present feel grateful


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-11-26T00:00
現在有新的教學方法叫 角落教學 就是可分很多區 有益智區 辦家家酒區 圖書區等區塊 讓孩子自由選擇自 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-11-26T00:00
最近一本書世界上最快樂的人,詠給.明就仁波切著作,他也是恐慌症病人,可是他�� ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-11-26T00:00
有�� ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-11-26T00:00
不知有沒有聽說過 狗狗養久了
牠壽終前 會到外面去 並不會在家裡死去?
曾經聽說過 狗狗因為怕家裡的人傷�� ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-11-26T00:00
今年大三了,我有一個好麻吉小乖,他是我大一認識的我們各自都有女友我女友是青梅竹馬那種的,小乖他女友是大衣的時候交的,我們常常相約4人一� ...