多益請教 - 自學

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-03-12T22:47

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※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]

作者: namieanita (anita) 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [解題] 多益請教
時間: Mon Mar 12 16:27:05 2007

抱歉都沒有解答 麻煩各位高手了 謝謝^^

1 Ms. Ki spoke quite excitedly while she_________ her sales presentation.

a took
b was taking
c has taken
d had taken

2 The need for in-service traning programs_____ as a result of advances

in global competition,consumer expectation,and the opening of huge n

ew markets.

a is increasing b.have increased c. increased

3 Ms.Howard who spent severl years at our offices in Zurich, she shared with
a-------- b-- c--- d ----
us her ideas about contemporary patterns in trade.

c跟 d我猜是同一個選項,可是他又有空格 所以我不知道是五個選項還是??


4 Commercial cycles have been placed the scrutiny of statisticians so that
a--------------- b------

recurring patterns not obvious at first sight might be disclosed.
c--------- d--------------

5 During the spring runoff,streams and rivers run full and waterfalls are
a----- b--------

with their most colorful.
c--- d-----




Tags: 自學

All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-03-14T17:59
1b2a3e:on trade4d:at the first sight5c:on
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2007-03-19T09:50
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-03-22T06:59
1B 2C 3沒有she 4D但整句看起來有很怪怪的 5不確定
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2007-03-23T08:02
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-03-27T23:17
第三題不用有SHE..第四題我用刪的= = 5.也是...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-03-12T17:44
推 blaha:各人用詞習慣囉~ 請隨意 03/12 16:12 推 blaha:我是覺得give這樣用不會比take還怪 03/12 16:19 推 blaha:我的結論是我的話不會在這邊用 care. 這樣寫用use? 03/12 16:23 推 zhenpeng:請問你用give的依據是什麼? 搭配的動 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2007-03-12T17:18
最近剛買了這套教材, 不過在聽的時候有個疑問, 在連續聽的這兩個小時裡, 1.是邊看自己的想看的書勒 (當成背景音樂) 2.還是別做其他事情,聽就對了(這樣感覺很虛度了這兩個小時) 自己實驗的結果 看其他的書實在是效率很差,感覺是兩頭空..... 那這兩個小時該怎麼利用? 希望有前輩為我解惑,感激不盡. ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-03-12T17:01
請問一下各位大大 有沒有推薦一下書給我 我想要托福歷屆考題 我不想要那種分開的那種 如果沒有的話..那就推薦幾本分開的不錯的書吧 感恩各位~~~ - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-03-12T16:17
最近看文法書 有個句子寫的很怪 If he persists in lazinesss, he might as well withdraw from school. 這個句子在強調 might as well / may as well 的用法 後面+原V 但從If引導的子句來看 應該只是一般的直敘 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-03-12T16:11
※ 引述《blaha ( )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《blaha ( )》之銘言: : : given? taken? dunno. atata : : a large sum 我會用 such a large sum... : : 不過是個人用字對錯應該是沒問題. : 推 GordonChen:第3題 ...