TPO17 Europe's early trade with Asia - 英檢

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2010-11-03T14:54

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The chief problem was technological: How were the
Europeans to reach the East? Europe's maritime tradition
had developed in the context of easily navigable seas-the
Mediterranean, the Baltic, and. to a lesser extent, the
North Sea between England and the Continent-not of vast oceans.
New types of ships were needed, new methods of finding
one's way, new techniques for financing so vast a scheme.
The sheer scale of the investment it took to begin commercial
expansion at sea reflects the immensity of the profits
that such East-West trade could create. Spices were the
most sought-after commodities. Spices not only dramatically
improved the taste of the European diet but also were used
to manufacture perfumes and certain medicines. But even high-priced
commodities like spices had to be transported in large bulk in order
to justify the expense and trouble of sailing around the African
continent all the way to India and China.


It can be inferred form paragraph2 that spices from Asia were desirable
inEurope in the Middle Ages because they

a. were easily transported in large quantities
b. could not be produced in European countries
c. could be traded for products such as perfumes and medicines
d. were expected to increase in value over time

原本選c,因為倒數第六行not only...but also那句有提到,

※ 引述《weigg (葳哥)》之銘言:
: 第六題為什麼答案是B?
: 我感覺從第二段裡找不出答案呀@@
: 快要考試了,我閱讀始終一篇錯四到五題也太挫折
: 拜託高手救救我
: 感謝

Tags: 英檢

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Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-11-03T13:28
10/9 館前地球村 一戰 R / L/ S /W Total 23 22 19 25 89 10/23公館地球村 二戰 R / L/ S /W Total 25 30 20 27 102 因為考試期間受本版之惠頗多,所以想還回饋大家。我一戰是在館前地球村考的 但是有電腦考的心理陰影,加上我個性蠻 ...

劍橋大學Judge Business School MBA來台說明會!

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-11-03T12:15
劍橋大學Judge Business School MBA 來台說明會 學術名聲享譽國際的一流學府 培養您成為全球商界領袖 時間: 11月14號 ...

黃金閱讀 Loie Fuller

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-11-03T11:10
※ 引述《eptrans0213 (華華)》之銘言: : 第五段 : As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the other : aspects of her dances. ■Although she gave lit ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-11-03T10:52
小弟在今年8/14考試 九月中試著複查一次,有傳真給ets 然後一直等.....一直到十月中還沒消息,成績沒變動,也沒扣錢 我最近就又傳真過去一次(11/1),並同時寄信告之他們這件事情 我想問的問題是,我這樣在時間上來得及嗎? 因為規定時間是三個月內,所以我必須在11/14之前完成 有人知道三 ...

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By Donna
at 2010-11-03T10:10
2010/8/28 R25 L19 S18 (LFL) W22 (FF) Total 84 2010/10/23 R22 L22 S18 (FLL) W24 (GF) Total 86 我想申請的有些學校 要求88分 有的還要求各科最低22 不知道這樣的成績 有沒有機會複查哪一科 再加個2分 8 ...