黃金閱讀 Loie Fuller - 英檢

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-11-03T11:10

Table of Contents

※ 引述《eptrans0213 (華華)》之銘言:
: 第五段
: As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the other
: aspects of her dances. ■Although she gave little thought to music in her
: earliest dances, she later used scores by Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin,
: and Wagner, eventually graduating to Stravinsky, Fauré, Debussy, and
: Mussorgsky, composers who were then considered progressive. ■She began to
: address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea, in which her
: dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored
: lights. ■Always open to scientific and technological innovations; she
: befriended the scientists Marie and Pierre Curie upon their discovery of
: radium and created a Radium Dance, which simulated the phosphorescence of
: that element. ■She both appeared in films—then in an early stage of
: development—and made them herself; the hero of her fairy-tale film Le Lys de
: la Vie (1919) was played by René Clair, later a leading French film director.
: 第九題
: Why does the author mention Fuller’s The Sea?
: A.To point out a dance of Fuller’s in which music did not play an important
: role
: B.To explain why Fuller sometimes used music by progressive composers
: C.To illustrate a particular way in which Fuller developed as an artist
: D.To illustrate how Fuller’s interest in science was reflected in her work
: 正確答案是 C
: 為什麼不能選B啊?
選項B,"為什麼FULLER要用先進音樂家的音樂作品">> 文章中並沒有提到為什麼這麼做,
重點是在the reason why is NOT mentioned.
正解C,The Sea這個作品是個例子,拿來說明FULLER的作品的演進,從早期不採用音樂,

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-11-08T06:07
謝謝你 : )


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-11-03T10:52
小弟在今年8/14考試 九月中試著複查一次,有傳真給ets 然後一直等.....一直到十月中還沒消息,成績沒變動,也沒扣錢 我最近就又傳真過去一次(11/1),並同時寄信告之他們這件事情 我想問的問題是,我這樣在時間上來得及嗎? 因為規定時間是三個月內,所以我必須在11/14之前完成 有人知道三 ...

關於複查 8/28 84分 10/23 86分

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-11-03T10:10
2010/8/28 R25 L19 S18 (LFL) W22 (FF) Total 84 2010/10/23 R22 L22 S18 (FLL) W24 (GF) Total 86 我想申請的有些學校 要求88分 有的還要求各科最低22 不知道這樣的成績 有沒有機會複查哪一科 再加個2分 8 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-11-03T08:43
小女子我第一次考托福 所以對托福查成績的系統也不是很熟 看大家都說10/23的分數出了 但是我怎麼上網去查是查不到我的分數阿 是我考太爛還是怎樣阿 讓我現在整個人很不安 版上大家幫我解答一下吧 謝謝你們 - ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-11-03T05:11
如題 大家趕快去看吧 考爛了orz 我個人的感覺是除了寫作之外都低 (淚奔 寫作我整合有一兩點論點寫錯居然還有G這一點我覺得滿訝異的.. 大家的感覺呢? 祝各位好運~ - ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-11-03T02:24
請問可以用傳真的方法取得嗎??? 我之前似乎有看過某補習班的網站上有寫 要加錢就是了 不過還是想上來問一下大家 確認一下 實在是受不了ETS的紙本寄發成績單速度...我918考的到現在都還沒收到 10/31考的不知何年才拿的到 偏偏學校要我12/2就交紙本成績 而且我寫信問ETS 他們說大概4~5個禮拜 ...