OSU Fisher College of Business 2010 Winter Coffee Chat - 英檢

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-11-06T07:33

Table of Contents

Hi everyone!

We are MBAs from The Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business. This
winter we’ll be back to Taipei and will have a coffee chat with prospective
students. Current MBAs and alumni will have a brief introduction of the
program and answer all your questions about admissions, Fisher MBA program,
life at Columbus, course offerings, and career development!

Date: 12/13/2010, Monday
Time: 7:30~9:30 PM
Place: TBD, but will certainly be in Taipei!

To register, please email to Sharon Hsu: [email protected] by November
30 and include the following information:

Year you are going to apply
1~2 Questions about Fisher

The space is limited so it would be better if you register ASAP. We look
forward to seeing you soon!

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-11-06T00:09
您好~ 請問一下尚勤老師的作文有教所謂的模版嗎??? - ...

複查會在View orders部分看到什麼資訊?

William avatar
By William
at 2010-11-05T23:53
今天收到ETS的複查確認如下 Regarding your inquiry: Please note that your request has not been processed to date. Be advised that ETS receives thousands of requests ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-11-05T18:44
大家好,我起床了(XD),今天就繼續寫吧。我也不知道今天可以寫到哪裡,因為聽 力與口說要講的東西比較雜,但我會盡力而為。   欸,還有,那個,我知道對於下週六日要考試的人而言可能會很心急,但麻煩不要再 寄信給我問有沒有續集了,可以的話我也很想直接從冰箱裡把續集拿出來啊!(翻桌) 【聽】 §聽力是最難 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-11-05T15:33
『新托福橘寶書十一月號』:(適用十一月andamp;十二月份亞洲考生) 閱讀篇免費開放下載: http://0rz.tw/iIbjJ 希望同學都能考高分喔! 加油! by 字神帝國小幫手 ======================================================= ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-11-05T14:49
如提 有人用過這本新出版的書嗎?? 寫得好嗎? - ...