Columbia Business School Winter Program - 留學

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-10-21T18:58

Table of Contents

About the CBS 2013 winter program:
‧ For High school and University students who are interested in learning
about Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Venture Creation and Business Model

‧ 13 days (1/25 – 2/6) at Columbia Business School
‧ College/graduate level class experience taught by Columbia University Faculty
for 6 full days
‧ Students acquire technical knowledge and skills in venture creation,
industry and market dynamics, strategy formation, product development, leadership,
operations, and finance. Participants also increase college level research,
project management, communication, and team skills
‧ Course content & readings customized to take into account regional
cultures, business practices, market trends, and currencies
‧ Students receive official Columbia Business School certificate of
participation and a letter of recommendation that can be included in college and graduate school
application package
‧ Visit
for complete information about Columbia Business School (CBS):
Columbia Business School (CBS) is the business school of Columbia University
in Manhattan, New York City, United States. It was established in 1916 to provide
business training and professional preparation for undergraduate and graduate
Columbia University students. It is one of six Ivy League business schools
and its admission process is among the most selective of top business schools.
Columbia Business School is known for its close ties to Wall Street. It is
affiliated with 13 winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics including current professors Robert
Mundell, Joseph Stiglitz and Edmund Phelps. The school has an international
emphasis, and many alumni have achieved distinction in the public as well as
the private sector.

For more information: application requirement:
‧ Age 14-21 (High school and University students)
‧ English interview required and eligibility determined by CBS Program
Partner, Ivy Education Group (IEG)
CBS 2013 winter program overview:
‧ Students create a new venture planning document, investment pitch package,
venture logo & web domain name by end of program
‧ Students receive Columbia Business School certificate of participation and a letter of
recommendation that can be included in college and graduate school application
‧ Selected student ventures receive post program mentoring and support to help
execute their plans

2013 Columbia Business School pre-collegiate Winter Program contact:
Paul Shih
Ivy Education Group (IEG)
[email protected]

Tags: 留學

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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-10-21T18:05
翻譯工作屬專業性質,但本板一直以來以時薪1000yen為最低標準, 現附上日本當地隨行口譯價格,供各位板友在應徵相關工作時參考。 http://www.simul.c ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-10-21T16:12
九月底的時候跟教授連絡 很幸運的收到了教授的回覆如下 研究室は、来年の状況がなかなか読めないのです。 多くの学生が来年入ってくる可能性があります。 大学ではなかなか時間がとれないのですが、京都の事務所に来られませんか? 話を聞きます。 急ですが明日3日の午後5時頃はどうでしょう。 5時以降なら何時 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-10-21T14:57
圖文網誌版 ---------- 在韓國留學、生活最重要的證件大概就是外國人登錄證了,舉凡辦手機、加入會員、 部分銀行開戶都需要用到這張證件,相當於台灣身分證的效果,而且韓國政府規定, 在韓國待超過90天以上 ...

UIUC MBA校友職涯經驗分享座談會

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2012-10-21T14:07
UIUC MBA校友 Microsoft台灣區技術支援部副理職涯經驗分享座談會 隨著Career Fair的腳步,每個來到UIUC的台灣學生們都曾辛苦的申請工作機會 不論是還在學的你,或者已經畢業多年的學長姐們,大家都曾經走過同樣的一段路 TSA希望能夠提供機會,讓學長姐們的經驗能夠幫助到更多茫然的同學 ...

成均館大學 人文社會學科校園

John avatar
By John
at 2012-10-21T13:48
成均館大學 人文社會學科校園 是每天上學的路 不過影片的終點是法學院... 如果是要念語言的教室沒有那麼在那麼高的地方 拍的不是很好...但可以給有興趣的人參考一下 (小心暈車) 網誌版:http://li ...