黃金閱讀Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth - 英檢

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-11-25T21:12

Table of Contents

Paragraph 1:In the late sixteenth century and into the seventeenth, Europe
continued the growth that had lifted it out of the relatively less prosperous
medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late 1400s). Among the key factors
behind this growth were increased agricultural productivity and an expansion
of trade.

1. According to paragraph 1, what was true of Europe during the medieval
○ Agricultural productivity declined.
○ There was relatively little economic growth.
○ The general level of prosperity declined.
○ Foreign trade began to play an important role in the economy.

文章中寫relatively less prosperous

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-11-26T15:43
medieval period相較於16th 到17世紀的經濟發展較弱
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-11-30T15:46


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-11-25T18:51
今天跟前面板友一樣碰到密碼過期問題 不知道怎麼搞得 改完後還是進不去 中間好像有碰到幾次try andamp; error後就顯示: Sorry, but we are unable to process your information. Contact a Customer Service Rep ...

believe 與 believe that

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-11-25T15:22
在看網路上的 Writing 範文時, 發現一個疑問, 文章是寫: He believes there will be more hydrogen cars in the future. 為何不是 and#34;believes that there will be ... and#34; 呢? 如: He ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-11-25T13:40
大家好 我登錄TOEFL官網 Log In 自己的帳號密碼查成績時 他出現 Your password has expired. Please choose a new password. 顯然是密碼過期要改密碼 不過我密碼改好也update成功後 卻都不能登錄 就只能用舊的密碼 然後還是出現Yo ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-11-25T13:10
ohoh 看來要二戰了 真不曉得為何我Speaking亂講一通還有二四 反而聽力是個位數 = =and#34; 非常詭異的分數 - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-11-25T13:08
如題 大家快去看 真是猜不透ETS - ...