高知工業大学博士奨学金(三年、英語) - 留學

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2014-09-10T10:00

Table of Contents

Special Scholarship Program (SSP)

What is SSP?
KUT's Special Scholarship Program (SSP) was established in 2003 in order to
support the advanced research of the university through the contribution of
highly capable doctoral students. Every year in April and October, the
university enrolls selected doctoral students under specific research
projects. The students pursue the doctoral course in English while at the
same time assisting their host professor in his/her research projects.
As of October. 2013, 42 Ph. D. candidates from 13 foreign countries are
studying under this program. Through this program KUT wishes to expand and
deepen international ties with academic and educational institutions all over
the world.

Requirement and Eligibility:
Applicants are required to meet all of the following conditions:
(1) To have or to be scheduled to acquire a master's degree before the KUT
enrollment date.
(2) To be 35 years old or under at the time of enrollment.
(3) To have an excellent academic record and strong bachelor's and master's
degrees from reputable universities.
(4) To have the intention, adequate knowledge and research skill to work in
one of the designated research projects.
(5) To have high English proficiency.

Benefits for Successful Applicants:
(1) Exemption from 30,000 yen entrance examination fee, 300,000 yen
enrollment fee and 535,800 yen/year tuition fee.
(2) To support living expenses, 150,000 yen/month is paid for research
project work.
(3) 150,000 yen is provided for travel and initial living costs.
  (Given only to foreign students who are living outside Japan, and who
have, or have the intention to acquire, “Student” status of Japanese
residence at the time of entry in Japan)

Completion Requirements:
●3 year's enrollment at KUT
●10 or more credits earned
●Successful completion of the doctoral thesis defense after receiving a
preliminary assessment held more than one year in advance
●Publication of two or more high level reviewed papers

Support System:
●English technical writing and research writing class: Given to first and
second year doctoral students by a native English professor.
●Japanese language class for daily conversation and grammar:
  1. Elementary 1: four times a week
  2. Elementary 2: Three times a week
  3. Intermediate: once a week
  4. Kanji characters: once a week
●Tutor support system: Tutors assist new international students with
academic and daily life matters.
●Single accommodation in International House is available for international

Normally, SSP students are required to acquire 4 credits for advanced
seminars and 6 for lectures. The following courses are available now but are
subject to change.

●Advanced seminar 1 & 2 (2 credits each)
●Technical writing Ⅱ, research writing, and management academic writing
(English writing courses, 2 credits each)
●Interdisciplinary engineering (4 courses to acquire cutting-edge knowledge
of various engineering fields, 2 credits each)

Tags: 留學

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By Agnes
at 2014-09-10T01:09
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