東京工業大学 日本国政府奨学金 2015 - 留學

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-09-10T09:47

Table of Contents

Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech, 東京工業大學) is the top national
university for science and technology in Japan with a history spanning more
than 130 years. The Institute has 3 schools with 23 departments, 6 graduate
schools with 45 departments, and many research institutes spread over its
Ookayama, Suzukakedai and Tamachi Campuses. Of the approximately 10,000
students, half of them are undergraduates and the other half are graduate
students. International students number 1,200. There are 1,200 faculty and
600 administrative staff members. In the 21st century, the role of sci-tech
universities has become increasingly important. Tokyo Tech continues to
cultivate global leaders in the fields of science and technology and
contributes to the betterment of society through its research focusing on
solutions to global issues. The Institute's long-term goal is to become the
world's leading sci-tech university.

Tokyo Tech now offers the following two programs to which graduate-level
students can apply. Successful applicants can start their study from October

Interested students can apply to either of these programs, but it is not
possible to apply to both programs simultaneously.

1) Research Student Program

-Inquiries: International Student Exchange Division
([email protected])
-Closing Date: November 21, 2014

For the Research Student Program, students will enter Tokyo Tech as Research
Students (non-degree students). They can take an entrance examination during
their Research Student status period in order to matriculate as Master's or
Doctoral students.

Students from universities which have formal agreements with Tokyo Tech will
be given priority consideration for this program.

2) International Graduate Program A [IGP (A)]

-Inquiries: Admissions Division ([email protected])
-Closing Date: December 1, 2014

For the IGP (A), students can directly apply to enroll in the Master's,
Doctoral or Integrated Doctoral Programs at Tokyo Tech from abroad. Lectures
and seminars for the IGP (A) are conducted in English.

Information on application procedures is described in detail on the
corresponding websites given above. Application forms are also available on
these websites.

If you have any questions, plaes contact Ms. Ayana HARADA at International
Student Exchange Division, Tokyo Institute of Technology

TEL: +81-3-5734-3027
[email protected]

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2014-09-13T19:04
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-09-14T14:21
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2014-09-16T16:28
James avatar
By James
at 2014-09-19T07:41


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2014-09-09T21:29
大家好 我明年要去日本念一年多語言學校 聽說有信用卡辦日本手機比較好(還是那是指日本當地的信用卡?) 一開始還沒有申請日本的銀行帳戶前,又不想帶太多日幣在身上 想說一開始幾個月可以先用刷卡的 想問問有經驗的人,在日本生活比較推薦用台灣的什麼信用卡? JCB、master、VISA,在日本哪個比較好用? 哪 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2014-09-09T17:00
原Po 是今年高中畢業生,現在不打算在我這邊升學了,所以一邊工作一邊準備申請的文 件等等,想問一下有板友也準備申請慶大的別科嗎?總感覺自己對別科還不是很熟悉和了 解呀Orz -- Sent from my Android - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-09-09T13:55
論文寫完後想去日本學日文,目前日文程度算初階,而學校有很多日本姐妹校供交換,有一些門檻不高,N5日檢以上就好,而畢業直接念語言學校似乎也是一個方法(能選在跟男友同一個城市的語言學校),想問這兩種花費差距很大嗎?以一年來算,哪個比較貴? 謝謝~ - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-09-08T16:22
大家好! 東京大學台灣留學生會歡迎今年十月所有來東京大學就讀或就任的學生 (學部生、大學院生、研究生)、研究員、或教職員們加入。 下面的連絡資訊表格,為了聯絡的方便請您填寫。 http://ppt.cc/RXj4 我們在臉書上有社團也有官方網頁 臉書: https://www.facebook.c ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2014-09-08T15:47
Hi 大家~ 我是京都滋賀地區留學生會會長 想問一下今年有沒有京都滋賀地區的「秋季班」新生 如果有的話請傳個訊息給我 或是用FB找我也可以 https://www.facebook.com/groups/663809127028138/ 舊生也歡迎加入! 謝謝大家! - ...