電子計時器哪裡買? - 時間管理
By Bennie
at 2006-07-22T17:59
at 2006-07-22T17:59
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※ 引述《renee0627 (羞羞)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《distraught (distraught)》之銘言:
: : 我想要利用電子計時器的幫助來集中注意力唸書,
: : 請問像這樣的計時器要到哪一種的店家才買得到呢?
: : http://tw.f2.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/b28146555?r=1098473585
: : 謝謝
: 哇
: 第一次看到有人用電子計時器來輔助唸書
: 感覺很新奇唷
No, this is not a new method.
Think about why in primary school, why we have every class 40 minutes and
10 minutes between them.
This is because human cannot concentrate on studying some not very interesting
things for long time.
: 不知道用過這個方法的人覺得怎樣?
: 可以上來分享一下嗎?
: 因為我怕計時器一分一秒的跑
: 會造成自己太緊張 壓力太大 會不會有反效果?
Yes, your worry is correct.
All you can do is not to use a very good timer and not to look at it.
My experience is, if you just use it like....
in 30 minute, I can only study this subject only, without doing the others...
no tea, coffee, water... no computing, no leaving for taking something...
This will help you to concentrate on the subject and problem.
However, if you use it all day, you will feel boring and tired quickly.
Timer won't work in this situation...
: ※ 引述《distraught (distraught)》之銘言:
: : 我想要利用電子計時器的幫助來集中注意力唸書,
: : 請問像這樣的計時器要到哪一種的店家才買得到呢?
: : http://tw.f2.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/b28146555?r=1098473585
: : 謝謝
: 哇
: 第一次看到有人用電子計時器來輔助唸書
: 感覺很新奇唷
No, this is not a new method.
Think about why in primary school, why we have every class 40 minutes and
10 minutes between them.
This is because human cannot concentrate on studying some not very interesting
things for long time.
: 不知道用過這個方法的人覺得怎樣?
: 可以上來分享一下嗎?
: 因為我怕計時器一分一秒的跑
: 會造成自己太緊張 壓力太大 會不會有反效果?
Yes, your worry is correct.
All you can do is not to use a very good timer and not to look at it.
My experience is, if you just use it like....
in 30 minute, I can only study this subject only, without doing the others...
no tea, coffee, water... no computing, no leaving for taking something...
This will help you to concentrate on the subject and problem.
However, if you use it all day, you will feel boring and tired quickly.
Timer won't work in this situation...
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By Ula
at 2006-07-22T20:25
at 2006-07-22T20:25
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