請較各位前輩有關口說 - 英檢

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2012-03-05T22:47

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※ 引述《uplaabura (Inside me)》之銘言:
: 請教一下各位前輩,2 reasons與1 reason + example哪個好呢?
: 我看許多的模板都是2 reasons,不過那些理由都有點空泛
: 例如which can improve our understanding of history.
: I can make friend and make my life funny.


: 所以打算改成一個理由+一個親身體驗,不知道這樣行不行得通呢?


: Q:比較喜歡從家人還是朋友得到建議?
: 2R:
: Personally speaking, I prefer to get advice from my parents for the
: following reasons.
: First, since parents love their children and always wish their children to
: become sucessful, getting advice from parents enables us to keep away from
: bad things or advices that might mislead us.

you have two major problems here:

first is that you leave your reason until the very last.

when you can, you should always say your reason first,
(here it seems to be:
getting advice from parents enables us to keep away from bad things or advices
that might mislead us.)

then support it with your material.

your second problem is your supporting material doesn't support the reason.
in other words, it's not logical.

"enables us to keep away from danger or misleading advice"
doesn't really have much to do with
"parents love their children and want their kids to be successful",

at least for me the logic is not very clear.

: 1R+1E:
: Personally, I prefer to get advices from my parents and grandparents.
: The reason is that, parents and grandparents have more experiences in
: their life, so they can provide more proper advices. For example, when I’m
: in military service, I had a difficulty in managing my soldiers and
: coordination with other departments. And my grandparents gave me a great
: solution. They told me some stories, and the situation is totally like mine.
: So I applied the solution in managing my team and communicating with other
: departments' people, and sucessfully overcomed the difficulty. I learned a lot
: from my grandparents.
: So that’s why I prefer to get advice from my parents and grandparents.





hope it helps!

Tags: 英檢

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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-03-05T22:33
回覆一下這位版友的分享, ※ 引述《arianis (Arian)》之銘言: : 在第一、二題部分,考試重點是讓考官了解你能在短時間內流暢的回答 : 與生活相關的問題。因此只要放輕鬆的自信的回答你想表達的東西即可,內容是否合 : 邏輯或例子的真實性及內容不是重點。 這一句話其實相當的重要,不過前半部有 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-03-05T17:36
9/18的考試 到現在都還沒有收到成績單 也已經找ETS免費加發過了 還是沒收到 不停argue還是沒辦法再得到免費的 (但是他們也沒辦法提出他們有寄出的證明啊 心裡默默覺得搞不好他們就偶爾找個衰鬼賺錢) 所以現在可能就是得摸摸鼻子付17塊andgt;and#34;andlt; 如果要花錢我 ...

3/10-13 OH!Study美加英紐澳歐教育展活動

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-03-05T16:13
OH! 想留遊學的朋友們~春季美加英澳紐歐教育展來囉!! 3/10.11at台北 3/12at台中 3/13at高雄 除了豐富的留遊學資訊外,還有豐富的獎品以及攤位活動,歡迎大家參加喔!! 活動詳情網頁:http://ohstudy.net/s12/ 台灣托福資源中心~ETS台 ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-03-05T15:32
文章出處:http://www.eapex.com.tw/epaper/small/colloq/e-ruitn.htm ※口說小俚語※ No.391 《我不會再犯錯了,拜託別rub it in.》 【實用指數:90 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-03-05T13:19
我昨天在美國教育基金會考試(10個考位:有一個考生沒帶護照放棄應試) 兩度遇到連線問題 一次是全體電腦的問題(9位考生)等了2.5小時才排除狀況 第二次是個別的連線問題(我與另外一位女生) 所以總共延後了3.5小時才開始考試 正常考試的人都差不多考完了atat 請問是新題容易遇到這種狀況嗎 昨天別的考場有考 ...