請英文高手幫幫我!!中翻英!!(請不要使用翻譯軟體) - 生活

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-11-26T00:00

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年的由來角色扮演:年獸ˋ旁白ˋ老乞丐ˋ村民(甲ˋ乙ˋ丙)共六人 故事大綱: 旁白:在中國有一個傳說,有一種叫「年」的野獸,生活在深山裡,每年到了過年的前一天,就會跑到村子裡,不但會吃掉村民飼養的雞、鴨、牛、羊等動物,還會吃人,因此人們非常怕牠。 旁白:為了解決這個問題,村民聚在一起要來想個辦法趕走年獸.村民甲:怎麼辦??再過幾天就要過年了,但是雞跟鴨都快被吃光了,怎麼過年??村民乙ˋ丙:對丫ˋ對丫~我們應該想個辦法來解決.旁白:就在大家懊惱不已時,路旁的一個老乞丐突然說話了!!老乞丐:我知道有什麼辦法能把年獸趕走.(大家都驚訝地看著他,說真的嗎??你能把年獸趕走嗎??)旁白:老乞丐開始教村民甲乙丙製作一些東西,例如把紅色的木板掛在門邊;用火燒竹子,讓竹子發出紅紅的火光及霹靂啪啦的聲響;和用力剁餃子餡,發出吵雜的聲音。這一天晚上,年獸出現了~年獸:我好餓,我要吃東西.旁白:當年獸靠近門邊時,看見紅紅的木板、紅紅的火光,又聽見霹靂啪啦、吵雜的聲響時,竟然嚇得在地上打滾,最後逃回深山裡去了.旁白:隔天,村民知道年獸被嚇走後,便開心的互道恭喜,慶賀大家平安。村民甲乙丙:早安!!年獸跑掉了~真開心~剛好今天又是過年,恭喜恭喜...旁白:原來,年獸最怕「紅色」、「火光」和「聲響」,所以每年到了過年時,大家都會在門上貼上紅色的春聯、燃放鞭炮、敲鑼打鼓來嚇走年獸,並開心的互道「恭喜」慶祝大家平安、新年好。結束.....

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Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-11-29T13:24
Year of originRole playing: year beast ˋ narration ˋ old beggar ˋ villagers (ˋ a ˋ b c) a total of six people
Narrator: in China there is a legend, there is something called "year" beast that lives in the mountains every year to the day before the lunar new year, you are going to come to the village would eat villagers kept chickens, ducks, cows, sheep and other animals also eat people, so people are very afraid of them.
Narrator: in order to solve this problem, the villagers got together and come to think of a way out-year animal.
Villager: what should I do?? A few days the Chinese new year, but the chicken with duck is eaten, how the new year??Villagers ˋ b c: ˋ Ah ~ we should think about a solution to the problem.Narrator: at the time of people on a miserable, along the road suddenly speak an old beggar!!Old beggar: I know of any way to the year beast off.(We all looked at him surprised, really?? Could you please animal driven away years?? )Narration: the old beggar began to teach the villagers a, b, c to produce some things, such as red wood hanging by the door; with burning bamboo and bamboo issued red light and the sound of Thunder--pitter-patter; and chopped dumplings, noisy sound emitted.This one night, the annual animal occurred ~Year beast: I'm so hungry, I would like to eat.PS: when animals closer to the door of the year, seeing red wood, red fire, and when you hear thunder--pitter-patter, loud noises, scared writhing, finally fled back into the mountains, go.Narrator: the next day, the villagers know that year after the animals were scared away, congratulations happy cross road, and celebrate you.The villagers a, b, c: good morning!! Year beast ran away ~ happy ~ just today is Chinese new year, congratulations, congratulations ...-------------------


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-11-25T00:00
故事內容還蠻長的= = 但是我最真實的心情
希望各位大大能耐心的看完 感激不盡andgt;and#34;andlt;
(ps 我是女生~)
我跟這個男孩是在工作上認識的 他� ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-11-25T00:00
我弟弟在約六年前認識一名大陸籍女子 後來跟她辦了結婚
尚未結婚前 當時她與另名台灣籍男子已有婚姻關係(假結婚來台)
因工作關係 她與我弟是 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-11-25T00:00
如果想買這幾隻目前的新機1.htcSensationXL三星GALAXYS2或最新5.3吋的機皇NOTE是否以後可以外接螢幕、筆電或滑鼠或是 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-11-25T00:00



Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-11-25T00:00
前請提要: 知識+ 搜尋 如何了解40幾歲男人想法呢? (感謝~)

總之, 我個人是不認為光靠MSN和Skype等視訊能真正了解一個人, 且在這種溝通工具底下�� ...