請幫我翻譯成英文!!!感恩>~< - 過年

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-02-17T00:00

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2/9 今天一大早起床,準備要回去恆春過年了,我和弟弟妹妹都很開心,吃完早餐就出發了,這次我們做客運回去.花了不少時間,到高雄時已經晚上7點了,再轉車到恆春,到嗄目的地時都已經10點多了,整天都在車上,有點累,不過看到和北部截然不同的風景,也開心了許多.
2/10 今天也起了個大早,媽媽帶我們去找阿公阿麻拜年,一下樓,叔叔跟姑姑就發了紅包給我們,而且還不少,蠻開心的,之後就帶我們到廟裡拜拜,中午吃辦桌的,呼~好飽,下午去找媽媽那邊的親戚,在小阿姨家玩得很開心,媽媽跟他們也聊了好多,我們到處拜年到處拿紅包呢,晚上放煙火,很漂亮也很開心.
2/11 今天一樣起了個大早,去車城吃一家有名的麵店,還不錯吃,之後跟叔叔們去海邊玩,海真的很美,我們還撿了貝殼,一直到晚上我們去找表姊,她帶我們去吃牛排,逛夜市,最後在小阿姨家看夜景,天上好多星星,很漂亮,這是在北部看不到的,真是充實的一天.
2/12 今天依然要早起,因為要告別這美麗的地方了,有點捨不得呢,早上收拾完行李後,就去搭客運了,一路上竟看到了美麗的海景,真的很美,之後轉車搭到桃園,再做計程車回家,終於到家了,還是家裡最好,祝大家新年快樂.
以上4則日記幫我翻譯成英文...謝謝>< 意思對了就行...
很急!!!! 20點贈送歐............
Tags: 過年

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Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-02-17T08:34
2/9:To get up early this morning, ready to go back to Hengchun Chinese New Year, the brother and sister and I are very happy, eating breakfast on departure, this time we do the passenger to go back and spend a lot of time to Kaohsiung 19:00 athen car to Hengchun, to quack destination have more than 10 points all day in the car, a little tired, but to see the scenery and northern distinct happy a lot.
2/10Got up early today onwards, my mother took us to find his grandfather, Ah Ma New Year, on the floor, his uncle with aunt sent a red envelope to us, but also a lot of very happy, and then took us to the temple to pay nooneat bando, call to good full afternoon to find her mother's relatives over there, a lot of fun in small aunt, mother chatted with them for a lot of us around New Year around to get a red envelope, a fireworks display in the evening, very nicealso very happy.
2/11Today, they got up early, go Checheng eat a famous noodle shop, pretty good food, after going to the beach to play with the uncles, the sea is really beautiful, we also picked up a shell, until the evening, we went to the cousin, she took us to steak night market last look at night in small aunt, a lot of the stars of heaven, and very pretty, which is in the north can not see, really fulfilling day.
2/12Today still have to get up early, to bid farewell to this beautiful place, a little reluctant to do the morning clearing away the baggage, and went to take the passenger Along the way, she saw a beautiful view of the sea is really beautiful, after interchange ride to the Taoyuando taxi home, finally home, home is best, and I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-02-19T10:22
不好意思捏!!沒看到這些留言........... 謝謝你的用心Q Q 感恩~~
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-02-21T11:22
Two-nineths today early in the got up, prepared to back Hengchun new year has, I and brother sister are is happy, eat finished breakfast on starting has, this we do passenger back. spent has many time, to Kaohsiung Shi has night at 7 o'clock has, again interchange to Hengchun, to made a destinations Shi are has 10 points more has, all day are in car Shang, somewhat tired, however see and Northern distinct of landscape, also happy has many.
Two-tenths today also up has a early, mother with we to found Grandpa c Ma happy new year, about building, uncle with aunt on made has red envelopes to we, and also many, quite happy of, zhihou on with we to Temple in worship, noon eat Office table of, call ~ good full, afternoon to found mother over there of relatives, in small aunt home playing was is happy, mother with they also chat has lot, we everywhere happy new year everywhere took red envelopes does, night placed Fireworks, is beautiful also is happy.
Two-elevenths today as up has a early, to car city eat a famous of surface shop, also good eat, zhihou with Uncle were to beach playing, sea really of is beauty, we also picked up has shell, has been to night we to found table sister, she with we to eat steak, visiting night market, finally in small aunt home see night, heaven lot stars, is beautiful, this is in Northern see does not to of, is enriched of day.
Two-twelveths still had to get up early today, because we have to bid farewell to this beautiful place, a little reluctant to do in the morning after you pick up the luggage and went to passenger along the way, she saw a beautiful sea-view, truth is beauty, transfer take to Taoyuan after, then take a taxi to go home, got home at last, is the best home, I wish you all a happy new year.
James avatar
By James
at 2013-02-19T18:50
February 9th:
Today, I got up early to go back Hengchun for Chinese New Year. My sibling and I were very happy. We set out after lunch. It took us much time to get to Hengchun by bus. We arrived in Kaoshung around 7 PM and we transferred to another bus to get to Hengchun. We arrived in Hengchun about 10PM, so we spent whole day for the ridding. Although we got tired of ridding, we were getting happier when we saw the different scenery from Northern Taiwan
February 10th:
Today, we got up early. My mother brought us to visit grandparents for Chinese New Year. Uncle and ante aunt gave us red envelope with lots of money, so we were joyful for it. Then my family brought us to temple for in honor of Joss. After that, we went to a restaurant, and it made me feel very full. We called on my mother’s relatives, and we had fun in the youngest aunt home. My mother chatted with them for a long time. We went around for visiting friends and relatives and got some red envelope from them. At night, there is a firework show; it was pretty and a pleasing time for us.
February 11th:
Today, we got up early to eat breakfast at a famous noodles shop in Checheng, and it was tasty. And then we went to the beach with our uncle. The ocean is pretty beautiful. We even pick up some shells until sun set. At night, we went to call on my cousin and she brought us to eat steak and visit night market. Then we went back to watch night scene in the youngest aunt home. There were a lot of twinkling stars in the sky. It was very pretty and we could not see it at Northern Taiwan. What a fulfilled day today!!
February 12th:
Today, we still got up early because we had to leave for home. I wanted to stay here more time, but we cannot. We went to take bus after we had packed our baggage. We still saw the sea scenery on our way home, and it was really beautiful. We transferred to another bus to get to Taoyuan. When we arrived in Taoyuan, we got on a taxi to get home.
2013-02-18 01:47:55 補充:
Finally, we got home, and there is no one more comfortable than my home. I wish everybody a happy new year.
2013-02-18 01:48:36 補充:
開頭請改成Uncle and aunt...多了一個ante..請把它拿掉..
12日第二句中 but we cannot 請改成but we could not..時態不正確..


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-02-17T00:00
車子的名字是我的 可是錢不是我出的
可是最近她身上沒有錢 就當山老鼠
可是又在過年後又發生�� ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-02-17T00:00
最終選出了三位選手,而我沒�� ...


George avatar
By George
at 2013-02-16T00:00
人氣滑落! 馬苗竹票倉紅包發不完
2013年2月11日 下午6:5
年初二,馬總統照例回到馬家庄祭祖,還到新竹義民廟上香,2012年大選,馬總統光是在桃竹� ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-02-16T00:00
對方巷子出來要右轉 我有打方向燈 已經減速停下
旁邊� ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-02-16T00:00
如果協議離婚,孩子一定不肯給我,但是如果請法院判決的話,至少還有機會,我想知道走法院判決的程序該如何辦理(我直接去法院辦嗎?或者要請律師?我不� ...