請問因為我考托福的時候出了一些techni … - 英檢

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-11-26T21:38

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但是我是自己沒發覺有甚麼technical problems
不過他們就是說可以給我retest 問我是否接受
雖然我那一次的成績很正常 我完全不覺得有問題
但是有免費的一次考試 當然要考一下
他給我一個voucher number
然後 就照你正常報名托福的程序
只是到最後付款的時候 不要選信用卡
選voucher number
填上ETS給的那一串號碼 就完成付款了
還是得照一般的報名程序 然後等兩週才有成績
這是我的經驗啦 給你參考 希望有幫助囉

※ 引述《olp1208 (BBCboy)》之銘言:
: Dear all, 想請教大家:
: 因為這個問題嚴重影響到我的作答
: 以致Reading只有1X, 雖然最後writing 拉回來拿到29
: 但是因為前面真得太糟了 所以連一百都沒拿到
: 而ets也答應要給我重新的 free retest....
: The following is their response:
: " This is in response to your email regarding the iBT TOEFL that you had taken
: on November 14, 2010. Please accept our apologies for the problems that you
: encountered during the Reading section of the exam.
: However, because there was confusion about how to proceed, I would like to
: offer you the option a free retest. The scores are not available at this
: time. Scores are usually available approximately 15 business days after the
: test date. If you feel a retest is needed after you receive your scores,
: please contact us and refer to your new case number
: Please contact us within 15 business days after the scores have been received
: with your decision"
: 請問有經驗的戰友
: 現在分數出來了 因為申請迫在眉睫
: 想要馬上進行free retest 該怎麼進行呢?
: 可否給予指點
: thanks~

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-11-30T12:26
thanks so much for ur kinsdness ^^

請問因為我考托福的時候出了一些technical problem

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-11-26T19:48
Dear all, 想請教大家: 因為這個問題嚴重影響到我的作答 以致Reading只有1X, 雖然最後writing 拉回來拿到29 但是因為前面真得太糟了 所以連一百都沒拿到 而ets也答應要給我重新的 free retest.... The following is their response: a ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-11-26T17:15
我想請問一下 口說第三題 需要提到announcement給的兩個原因嗎?? 我原本的模版是這樣: the announcement is about __________. there are two reasons (from the publisher). firs ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-11-26T15:46
10/17紙本成績終於在今天上午收到了... 給大家參考~ 不過複查的結果還沒出來... 超緊張... 期待破百破百!! - ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-11-26T15:15
_____________children will be taking the examination. 1 the most 2 one of the 3 the all 4 almost 答案是4,請問2為什麼不行? - ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-11-26T12:39
前一陣子在網路上看到威爾斯的廣告(宣稱是有免費的一個月體驗課程), 按下幾個鈕後竟然也就說我有在前??名以內的體驗名單, 對方也很積極地打電話來說明並立刻約時間,說是要做英文鑑測。 之後去到那裏後先要填個單子,然後會有員工跟你聊個天, 接著說是會派一個老師跟你聊天看看程度, 等了幾分鐘後一個老師來了,聊沒 ...