請問一下 有人可以幫我翻譯一下嗎.. - 學習

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-03-19T16:20

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我在網路上抓的這篇文章 我查完電腦辭典 只看的懂一半而已

MY first job-hunting moment ? the worst ? is still fresh in my mind.

The office building was huge and it took me quite some time to figure out
where the elevator was before I could get to the door of the studying abroad
consulting company. I had already
made it halfway inside the office when I remembered to step back and knock at
the door. Only one employee raised his head, so I headed for him. "I wonder
if you need a translator or interpreter?" was the mosquito's voice that
slipped from my throat. Even I myself didn't know what I was talking about.

As his routine, he welcomed me and inquired about which country I was
interested in. Three minutes later, he finally found out what this shy and
blushing girl was doing there. Then he gave me a glass of water and showed me
to the manager who had overheard our conversation. My trembling hand spilled
out some water just as the manager approached from behind. I looked up and
saw a frown and a serious face ? Jesus ? it was my former English teacher!
"Oh, it's you!" he blurted out.

I was so ashamed.

By Zhu Ye, Beijing

Tags: 學習

All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-03-21T18:09
應該到英文版吧, 這是作業? 幫翻譯不就失去意義了
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-03-23T02:28
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-03-25T11:33
這不是作業..這是我自己去網路抓的短文= =我自己在讀英文
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-03-28T12:58

WTO議題研習班 歡迎報名參加!

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-03-19T11:13
「WTO議題研習班」歡迎報名參加! 一、上課時間 (2009) 年3月23日至4月28日下午2時至5時,共計18個小時。 二、上課地點 中華經濟研究院BOO3會議室(台北市長興街75號)。 三、上課方式 *以中文進行,並以講習、討論、經驗交流方式為主。 *每週上課時間為3小時,上課6週,共計18 ...

書本邊角該如何保護 才不會翻爛

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-03-19T10:47
書的邊 角 拿來拿去很容易爛,但我手上有些珍貴書籍,但又要常看,不想被翻爛,市面 上有什麼文具,可以保護書本邊角的呢,拿膠帶貼?我知道3M有不錯的透明膠帶,剛貼了 一下,效果不錯,但那樣每頁貼,實在也太費時了,有麼文具是為這種目的設計的呢 - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-03-19T10:04
我覺得一個人要做些事情.家庭很重要.有家人支持.是助力.但家人反對卻是阻力. 事情是這樣.我老爸國中畢業.以前也是放牛班的小孩.我也是放牛班的小孩. 但我想念書.老爸說讀捨書.捨高學歷.還不是被裁員.我覺得重點是我自己想讀書. 自從退伍本來規劃可以讀4個月.結果被派公差.裝監視器.修電視之類的.被拖時間 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-03-19T01:24
我一位朋友也是在統測最後兩個月狂拼上台北的國立科大 當然這也和運氣有關,因為他本來的目標是高雄的國立科大 結果意外上了台北 我把我所知道『他的方法』告訴你 但是首先要先聲明他並非電系考生,加上這也是很多年以前的事了 所許現在考試的方法改了吧 統測一共五科,國文、英文、數學、兩科專業(加成兩倍)全部 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2009-03-19T00:09
我也覺得要持續很久的唸書好辛苦喔, 唸到最後會有點沒有效率, 就算分段好像也會有點腦袋擠不下東西的感覺! 請問大家到底都是用什麼方法讓自己提神的阿? 可以請大家也談談嗎? 謝謝! - ...