詢問知音閱讀的翻譯 - 英檢

By Regina
at 2012-02-10T23:42
at 2012-02-10T23:42
Table of Contents
※ 引述《koshka (我也要信湖!)》之銘言:
: 想請問這句該怎翻譯壓,請各位大大幫忙解惑...感謝
: no less a visionary than Albert Einstein theorized about a force that
: would add energy to expand of the universe
no less than a visionary, Albert Einstein theorized about a force that
would add energy to expand of the universe
我翻的話: 愛因斯坦關於某種力會給宇宙的擴張添加能量的設想極富遠見
: 想請問這句該怎翻譯壓,請各位大大幫忙解惑...感謝
: no less a visionary than Albert Einstein theorized about a force that
: would add energy to expand of the universe
no less than a visionary, Albert Einstein theorized about a force that
would add energy to expand of the universe
我翻的話: 愛因斯坦關於某種力會給宇宙的擴張添加能量的設想極富遠見
All Comments

By Carol
at 2012-02-12T10:14
at 2012-02-12T10:14

By Eden
at 2012-02-15T19:51
at 2012-02-15T19:51

By Necoo
at 2012-02-20T08:09
at 2012-02-20T08:09

By Dorothy
at 2012-02-24T23:41
at 2012-02-24T23:41

By Hedda
at 2012-02-25T21:50
at 2012-02-25T21:50
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