聲音表演《12 dog cycle》 - 新竹

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-12-28T18:06

Table of Contents

聲音表演 Sound Performance《12 dog cycle》by 張惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang +
Nigel Brown (AU)
feat. 張祐榕 YoRon + 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang

時間 Time/
2016/12/28(三) 20:00

地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St.,
Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple)

表演者 Performers/
張惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang
Nigel Brown (AU)
張祐榕 YoRon / 電腦合成器 Laptop Synthesizer
張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡、嗩吶、人聲 Erhu, Suona & Voices

票價 Ticket/
$300-150(自由定價 Suggestion Donation)


關於表演 About The Performance/
《12 dog cycle》是由台灣的張惠笙和澳洲的Nigel Brown一同創作的表演合作。在他們

"12 dog cycle" is a sound art collaboration that has been developed over the
past decade by Alice Hui-Sheng Chang and Nigel Brown. In their performance
practice they use sound to explore our experience of the space and
environment around us. Alice uses her voice in unconventional ways to create
an intimate relationship with an audience and draw attention to the acoustic
properties of a space. Nigel has deconstructed a piano accordion to create a
unique drone instrument.


關於表演者 About The Performers/
● 張惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang


曾獲駐村補助,與Nigel Brown一起於墨爾本Laughing Waters、奧地利AIR Krems (2015)
,葡萄牙Binaural (2011)等地駐村。另曾駐村於墨爾本West Space、澳洲維多利亞省
Bogong AIR (2011),南韓首爾SFX (2010),文建會補助法國巴黎西帖國際藝術村 (2009)
,台北國際藝術村 (2008),墨爾本West Space與蘇格蘭格拉斯哥CCA (2005)等地創作。

Alice Hui-Sheng Chang was born on the 31st of July, 1984 in Changhua, Taiwan.
Alice graduated from RMIT University’s MFA program (2006). Prior to the MFA
she completed a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) at RMIT. Alice has also
completed a MA in Experiential and Creative Arts Practices at the MIECAT
Institute (2014).

She has performed in East Asia, Europe and Oceania at festivals including
Liquid Architecture, the NOW now, This Is Not Art, Electrofringe, and 2High
Festival (Australia); Lacking Sound Festival, Kuandu Arts Festival,
transonic, TAV Open Studio (Taiwan); Vozes de Magaio (Portugal), Santander
Muestra de Arte Sonoro (Spain); Elsie Else (France); 2pi (China); Sound
Effects Seoul 2010 (South Korea); and iiii Music (New Zealand).

Alice has been involved in residencies in AIR Krems (2015), Austria; Laughing
Waters (2015), Eltham, Australia; Binaural (2011), Nodar, Portugal; West
Space (2011), Melbourne; Bogong AIR (2011), Victoria, Australia; SFX Seoul
(2010), South Korea; Cite des Arts (2009), Paris, France with the support of
Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan; Taipei Artist Village (2008) with the
support of Taipei Cultural Council; and CCA, Glasgow, Scotland and West
Space, Melbourne, Australia (2005).

● Nigel Brown (AU)
Nigel Brown從2004年大學畢業後,就一直在聲音和實驗音樂領域工作。他的廣泛興趣讓



Nigel Brown has been working in the field of sound and experimental music
since graduating from university in 2004. His range of interests have led to
working in improvised performance, recording for publication, gallery-based
installation, and sound design for dance and theatre.

He has performed extensively in Australia, Europe and East Asia in events
ranging from major festivals to small independent gigs. His work is focussed
on exploritory approaches to physical materials; finding unexpected sonic
possibilities in existing instruments or other objects.

Nigel completed an MFA at RMIT University in 2006, and a Bachelor of Arts
(Media Arts) in 2004, specialising in sound.

● 張祐榕 YoRon

A Keelung born generation Z who tries to learn everything since the college
days. Graduated from the Department of Communication Arts from Fu Jen
Catholic University. Currently studying music at Chiao Tung University
majoring in New Music Theater. Loves to challenge various ways of links
through interdisciplinary creative art.

● 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang (TW)

Born 1984 and also based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. DYC received his Master of Fine
Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore,
MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice
and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space
"Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo". He learned to play piano and erhu for many years
when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra.
He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or
traditional to extremely avant-garde or exprimental. He has attempted to play
erhu and suona in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent


● 大眾運輸
● 步行
● 地圖 Map
English Version:http://0rz.tw/AQCdk



All Comments


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2016-12-28T16:51
我寄給新北、北市、台中、彰化、高雄等地的平信, (在北區寄或總局來收件) 最慢3天對方都會收到,不含假日 但是以上等地寄到香山區卻至少5天起跳!!!完全沒有套用誇飾法 最長則還在刷新中(目前10日)… 想請問,這正常嗎? 該向誰反應呢? - ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2016-12-28T16:17
光復路二段 麥當勞 站內信 期限明年01/01 - ...

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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-12-28T16:12
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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-12-28T15:50
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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2016-12-28T14:29
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