聊天 - 英檢

By Skylar Davis
at 2008-11-15T20:36
at 2008-11-15T20:36
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Chest (我要奮鬥!!!!!)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《max2 (大叔)》之銘言:
: 我個人覺得題目不好寫耶...
: Reading第一篇還好只花了8分鐘就搞定,但是最後一題兩分題想很久不太確定
: 後面兩題都寫的頭昏眼花差點寫不完,看到加試題差點沒暈倒:蘇美與達爾文
: 有點印象但是答案不記得,憑感覺寫
: Listening的部分教授常常口吃,同樣的東西又一直強調
: 寫到第二篇什麼Wallace那一篇就開始注意力不集中
: 剛好又是中午時間聽到快睡著,還好一些關鍵字應該沒聽錯
: Speaking題目還不算難,但是最後一題的關鍵字花名沒聽到
: 只記得用香味來吸引Moe的是茉莉花(jasmine,應該沒記錯吧)
: 用黃色跟紅色花朵來吸引昆蟲的沒聽到花名
Butterflies are sensetive to red color and yellow color. Thus
painted daisy (就是花名 ;) has bright yellow and red as their colors.
While some other insects are not so sensetive to colors. Some even
unable to tell the differences between colors. (好像是這樣吧) Such
as moths.
Moths are more sensetive to odor. The plant Jasmine produces a sweet
fragrance. It uses this perfume to attract moths. And only at night,
which is when moths appears.
: Writing第一題就已經不好寫了,第二題更是第一段寫完才決定大轉彎
Writing第一題要寫出關於Monte Verde, Chile這個地方的考古研究
文章是寫考古發現Monte Verde這個地方的資料用carbon dating發現有12500年
1. There are no stone tools present. 所以其他遺跡很可能是自然造成的結果。
2. The site was disturbed by farmers.
3. The element butimen affects the accuracy of carbon dating.
然後聽力部份是關於支持Monte Verde存在人類遺址的理由
1. They might be farmers that grow plants and raise small animals. Thus they
only needs tools that are made of sticks, stones, (還有一個關鍵字我忘了) which
are hard to leave trace in the layer.
2. The farmers are only able to disturb the layer that are closest to the
earth surface. There is a natural formed peat layer that lies above the
12500-year-old layer. The peat layer appears undisturbed.
3. There are 25 tests taken regarding the dating of the layer. All of the
tests results the dating from 12500 years to 13000 years. Although butimen
affects carbon dating, carbon dating is only one of the methods to determine
the date of the layer. It is impossible to affect all the tests.
: 本來要寫反對,後來想想反對舉不到三個理由及例子,決定臨時轉向
: 還好只要改幾個字影響不大
: (只能說幸好已經考過AWA,有些段落直接套用)
: 分數?不會估...
: 希望至少Speaking跟Writing要進步,R&L不要退步就好
: ----------------我是分隔線-----------------
: 題外話,今天考試旁邊坐了一個海峽對岸來的
: (我真的不是故意偷看的->你的護照太明顯不一樣了,而且口音又差很多)
: 感覺她似乎是來亂的?居然還問試務人員說要考多久(啊你不知道什麼是CD?)
: 然後口說完全沒聽到聲音(拜她所賜我口說沒受到干擾)
: 也沒聽到敲鍵盤的聲音,一整個覺得妳大姐是錢太多喔...
: 150鎂耶,這樣隨便考...
: ※ 引述《max2 (大叔)》之銘言:
: 我個人覺得題目不好寫耶...
: Reading第一篇還好只花了8分鐘就搞定,但是最後一題兩分題想很久不太確定
: 後面兩題都寫的頭昏眼花差點寫不完,看到加試題差點沒暈倒:蘇美與達爾文
: 有點印象但是答案不記得,憑感覺寫
: Listening的部分教授常常口吃,同樣的東西又一直強調
: 寫到第二篇什麼Wallace那一篇就開始注意力不集中
: 剛好又是中午時間聽到快睡著,還好一些關鍵字應該沒聽錯
: Speaking題目還不算難,但是最後一題的關鍵字花名沒聽到
: 只記得用香味來吸引Moe的是茉莉花(jasmine,應該沒記錯吧)
: 用黃色跟紅色花朵來吸引昆蟲的沒聽到花名
Butterflies are sensetive to red color and yellow color. Thus
painted daisy (就是花名 ;) has bright yellow and red as their colors.
While some other insects are not so sensetive to colors. Some even
unable to tell the differences between colors. (好像是這樣吧) Such
as moths.
Moths are more sensetive to odor. The plant Jasmine produces a sweet
fragrance. It uses this perfume to attract moths. And only at night,
which is when moths appears.
: Writing第一題就已經不好寫了,第二題更是第一段寫完才決定大轉彎
Writing第一題要寫出關於Monte Verde, Chile這個地方的考古研究
文章是寫考古發現Monte Verde這個地方的資料用carbon dating發現有12500年
1. There are no stone tools present. 所以其他遺跡很可能是自然造成的結果。
2. The site was disturbed by farmers.
3. The element butimen affects the accuracy of carbon dating.
然後聽力部份是關於支持Monte Verde存在人類遺址的理由
1. They might be farmers that grow plants and raise small animals. Thus they
only needs tools that are made of sticks, stones, (還有一個關鍵字我忘了) which
are hard to leave trace in the layer.
2. The farmers are only able to disturb the layer that are closest to the
earth surface. There is a natural formed peat layer that lies above the
12500-year-old layer. The peat layer appears undisturbed.
3. There are 25 tests taken regarding the dating of the layer. All of the
tests results the dating from 12500 years to 13000 years. Although butimen
affects carbon dating, carbon dating is only one of the methods to determine
the date of the layer. It is impossible to affect all the tests.
: 本來要寫反對,後來想想反對舉不到三個理由及例子,決定臨時轉向
: 還好只要改幾個字影響不大
: (只能說幸好已經考過AWA,有些段落直接套用)
: 分數?不會估...
: 希望至少Speaking跟Writing要進步,R&L不要退步就好
: ----------------我是分隔線-----------------
: 題外話,今天考試旁邊坐了一個海峽對岸來的
: (我真的不是故意偷看的->你的護照太明顯不一樣了,而且口音又差很多)
: 感覺她似乎是來亂的?居然還問試務人員說要考多久(啊你不知道什麼是CD?)
: 然後口說完全沒聽到聲音(拜她所賜我口說沒受到干擾)
: 也沒聽到敲鍵盤的聲音,一整個覺得妳大姐是錢太多喔...
: 150鎂耶,這樣隨便考...
All Comments

By Cara
at 2008-11-16T15:06
at 2008-11-16T15:06

By Blanche
at 2008-11-21T02:10
at 2008-11-21T02:10

By Ina
at 2008-11-23T06:26
at 2008-11-23T06:26

By Dorothy
at 2008-11-26T05:30
at 2008-11-26T05:30

By Queena
at 2008-11-26T18:28
at 2008-11-26T18:28

By Ula
at 2008-11-26T23:10
at 2008-11-26T23:10
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