租屋詐騙 - 留學
By Steve
at 2011-10-27T16:26
at 2011-10-27T16:26
Table of Contents
裡面會說 你會好好照顧我的房子 保證不破壞嗎 之類的
等你回信說 會 接下來對方會解釋因為在外地工作
所以要請你匯錢到"moneygram""westunion" 或是類似的機構
在這種機構裡面 是給急需用錢的人
家裡匯小錢給你 寫上你的名字 然後你拿的身分證去領就可以了 很不嚴格
所以詐騙集團 只要拿到收據 上面有你的個資 仿冒一張即可
※ 引述《bangbamg (BRAVO!)》之銘言:
: 我不知道能不能在這版上問這個問題
: 但是似乎這裡比較有人會知道...
: 我最近在找房子 有碰過幾次對方要我先匯錢到western union
: 以下摘錄自最近的一封詐騙信
: You will need to go to western union with cash, transfer a month rent plus
: security deposit (£600+£500=£1,100) transfer it using your friend's name
: as the receiver in London while you are the sender. Your friend will be the
: one to collect the money at the nearest Western Union outlet close to the
: flat and pay me after you have seen the flat and ok with it.
: Here is how to go about it:
: Sender's Name.......? Should be your name
: Receiver's Name.........? Should be your friend's name, so you will be in
: possession of your money. (The money is safe as it's only you and your friend
: that can withdraw it, since she is the receiver)
: Receiver's Address.........? Use London
: Then, you can send me scanned copy of the transfer paper but if you dont have
: a scanner, send me the sender's name, receiver's name and the mtcn (10 digit
: number) as a proof of the transaction. I will have to confirm online with
: Western Union if the money is available for you. With Western Union Online
: confirmation link:
: 我通常到這裡就懶得回對方了
: 但是有點好奇 他們是怎麼靠這手法騙錢啊? 是接下來還有另一個步驟要人會錢給他嗎
裡面會說 你會好好照顧我的房子 保證不破壞嗎 之類的
等你回信說 會 接下來對方會解釋因為在外地工作
所以要請你匯錢到"moneygram""westunion" 或是類似的機構
在這種機構裡面 是給急需用錢的人
家裡匯小錢給你 寫上你的名字 然後你拿的身分證去領就可以了 很不嚴格
所以詐騙集團 只要拿到收據 上面有你的個資 仿冒一張即可
※ 引述《bangbamg (BRAVO!)》之銘言:
: 我不知道能不能在這版上問這個問題
: 但是似乎這裡比較有人會知道...
: 我最近在找房子 有碰過幾次對方要我先匯錢到western union
: 以下摘錄自最近的一封詐騙信
: You will need to go to western union with cash, transfer a month rent plus
: security deposit (£600+£500=£1,100) transfer it using your friend's name
: as the receiver in London while you are the sender. Your friend will be the
: one to collect the money at the nearest Western Union outlet close to the
: flat and pay me after you have seen the flat and ok with it.
: Here is how to go about it:
: Sender's Name.......? Should be your name
: Receiver's Name.........? Should be your friend's name, so you will be in
: possession of your money. (The money is safe as it's only you and your friend
: that can withdraw it, since she is the receiver)
: Receiver's Address.........? Use London
: Then, you can send me scanned copy of the transfer paper but if you dont have
: a scanner, send me the sender's name, receiver's name and the mtcn (10 digit
: number) as a proof of the transaction. I will have to confirm online with
: Western Union if the money is available for you. With Western Union Online
: confirmation link:
: 我通常到這裡就懶得回對方了
: 但是有點好奇 他們是怎麼靠這手法騙錢啊? 是接下來還有另一個步驟要人會錢給他嗎
All Comments
By Zanna
at 2011-10-30T11:31
at 2011-10-30T11:31
By Hazel
at 2011-11-02T02:22
at 2011-11-02T02:22
By Callum
at 2011-11-04T23:53
at 2011-11-04T23:53
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