租屋詐騙 - 留學

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-10-26T21:45

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我最近在找房子 有碰過幾次對方要我先匯錢到western union
You will need to go to western union with cash, transfer a month rent plus
security deposit (£600+£500=£1,100) transfer it using your friend's name
as the receiver in London while you are the sender. Your friend will be the
one to collect the money at the nearest Western Union outlet close to the
flat and pay me after you have seen the flat and ok with it.

Here is how to go about it:
Sender's Name.......? Should be your name
Receiver's Name.........? Should be your friend's name, so you will be in
possession of your money. (The money is safe as it's only you and your friend
that can withdraw it, since she is the receiver)
Receiver's Address.........? Use London

Then, you can send me scanned copy of the transfer paper but if you dont have
a scanner, send me the sender's name, receiver's name and the mtcn (10 digit
number) as a proof of the transaction. I will have to confirm online with
Western Union if the money is available for you. With Western Union Online
confirmation link:

但是有點好奇 他們是怎麼靠這手法騙錢啊? 是接下來還有另一個步驟要人會錢給他嗎

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-10-31T03:16
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-11-05T00:38


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-10-26T03:26
我在amazon.uk買東西 標價是39.99 可是很奇怪 下面又寫 6 new from £28.99 那這樣買便宜的不就好了? - ...

隔壁室友太吵 怎辦?

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-10-26T02:49
我住宿舍 隔壁的土耳其女生常常找幾個朋友來她房間聊天 昨天都晚上十一點多還在聊 禮拜一耶 你說周末偶爾也就算了 在廚房煮東西 居人要我跟另外一個共用此廚房的室友 要我們等一下 從六點等到八點 還要我們等 而且她幾乎煮滿漢大餐 全部流理臺滿滿 我室友昨天就不理他 照煮她的 我實在餓得受不了要去煮 她說可否等他她 ...

愛丁堡市區短租 01/03~01/12

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-10-25T21:35
地點: 愛丁堡市區(Nicolson Street附近) 時間: 2012/01/03~01/12 原由: 學生宿舍,由於要前往歐洲,故有單人套房一間空出 床的大小大概就是單人尺寸,如果兩人同行其中一人必須要有睡袋為佳 宿舍附近有超市tesco、starbuck ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-10-25T15:09
※ 引述《waitplz (WHY)》之銘言: : 想請問一下最近有人搭過Ryanair嗎? : 因為前陣子趁特價買了登機箱, : 但是後來量一量發現行李規格跟Raynair規定的厚度只差了兩公分 : 我的行李長與高度都是符合範圍甚至更小, : Ryanair是規定55x40x20,我想知道傳說中的小鐵架真的 ...

iphone 退稅問題

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-10-25T05:19
我想買iphone 4s 然後請要回台灣的朋友幫我退稅 因為稅額真的滿高的 但是現在實體店面應該都沒有貨了 所以打算線上購買寄送 請問線上購買的iphone可以退稅嗎? 是否要先辦理什麼手續? 謝謝 - ...