知英聽力II的lecture-attribution theory - 英檢

By Sierra Rose
at 2010-08-02T17:28
at 2010-08-02T17:28
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※ 引述《DarkD (達克豬)》之銘言:
: practice題組裡面的講課第2篇中的兩題有疑惑
: Q4 which of the following statement is NOT supporting the lecture?
: a One's initial opinion of another person seldom changes with experience.
: 一個人對於別人的意見很少隨著經驗而改變
: b Everyone uses similar criteria in judging others' action.
: 所有人在判斷其他人的行為時運用的標準是類似的
: c Judgements of others' action often depend on who's being judged.
: 對於別人行為的判斷和對象有關
: d Judgements about the actions of others are generally correct.
: 對於別人的行為判斷通常是正確的
: 答案是A 但我怎麼看D也符合阿= ="
: 解析: 我們通常對於不熟悉的人的行為傾向將之歸因於性格,但是隨著熟悉度的增加會加
: 以修正,所以演講內容不支持A
: 我們對於別人的判斷通常都會加油添醋,所以是不正確的,選項D也不能選
: (所以才要選八ORZ)
: Q5 according to the professor, what happened as someone becomes more familiar
: with another person.
: a judgements become more objective.
: 判斷變得更客觀
: b situational attribution is used more often.
: 情境歸因會被使用的更頻繁
: c views become more subjective
: 觀點變得主觀
: d dispositional attribution becomes more common.
: 性格歸因變得更常見
: (internal/dispositional attribution, external/situational attribution)
: 答案是B 但我看內文B跟D這2項互為表裡阿= ="
: (內文摘錄..就當練習英打了ORZ)
: 第五段......Positive behaviors are more often attributed to internal causes
: when we are evaluating our own behavior or the behavior of those close to
: us. Strangersor people with whom we are not on the best of terms with
: fare far worse. When they do something good, we are much more inclined
: to brush it off as resultingfrom some external facotr.
: 第七段The reverse would be true, wouldn't it? I guess we'd be more likely to
: say the bad thing happened to us, not ... because of us; but with the other
: person ... uh ... it's because of what he is - some negative trait. Is that
: right?
: 我理解為:
: | 生人 => 熟人
: good | ex => in =>more dispositional
: bad | in => ex =>more situational ...thus it depends
: 但我又看到最後一段......There is some evidence that our initial judgements are
: more often personality attributions. First, we judge then we label the person
: accordingly. Only with time does this perception get modified. We modify it
: as experience with that person accumulates and certain behaviors get shifted
: over to situational attribution.
: 單就這段來看Q5的確是B
: 所以是我文意理解有誤
: 還是文章本身就不夠圓潤@?@
: 以上
: practice題組裡面的講課第2篇中的兩題有疑惑
: Q4 which of the following statement is NOT supporting the lecture?
: a One's initial opinion of another person seldom changes with experience.
: 一個人對於別人的意見很少隨著經驗而改變
: b Everyone uses similar criteria in judging others' action.
: 所有人在判斷其他人的行為時運用的標準是類似的
: c Judgements of others' action often depend on who's being judged.
: 對於別人行為的判斷和對象有關
: d Judgements about the actions of others are generally correct.
: 對於別人的行為判斷通常是正確的
: 答案是A 但我怎麼看D也符合阿= ="
: 解析: 我們通常對於不熟悉的人的行為傾向將之歸因於性格,但是隨著熟悉度的增加會加
: 以修正,所以演講內容不支持A
: 我們對於別人的判斷通常都會加油添醋,所以是不正確的,選項D也不能選
: (所以才要選八ORZ)
: Q5 according to the professor, what happened as someone becomes more familiar
: with another person.
: a judgements become more objective.
: 判斷變得更客觀
: b situational attribution is used more often.
: 情境歸因會被使用的更頻繁
: c views become more subjective
: 觀點變得主觀
: d dispositional attribution becomes more common.
: 性格歸因變得更常見
: (internal/dispositional attribution, external/situational attribution)
: 答案是B 但我看內文B跟D這2項互為表裡阿= ="
: (內文摘錄..就當練習英打了ORZ)
: 第五段......Positive behaviors are more often attributed to internal causes
: when we are evaluating our own behavior or the behavior of those close to
: us. Strangersor people with whom we are not on the best of terms with
: fare far worse. When they do something good, we are much more inclined
: to brush it off as resultingfrom some external facotr.
: 第七段The reverse would be true, wouldn't it? I guess we'd be more likely to
: say the bad thing happened to us, not ... because of us; but with the other
: person ... uh ... it's because of what he is - some negative trait. Is that
: right?
: 我理解為:
: | 生人 => 熟人
: good | ex => in =>more dispositional
: bad | in => ex =>more situational ...thus it depends
: 但我又看到最後一段......There is some evidence that our initial judgements are
: more often personality attributions. First, we judge then we label the person
: accordingly. Only with time does this perception get modified. We modify it
: as experience with that person accumulates and certain behaviors get shifted
: over to situational attribution.
: 單就這段來看Q5的確是B
: 所以是我文意理解有誤
: 還是文章本身就不夠圓潤@?@
: 以上
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