用陳平模板寫作TPO電腦計分為什麼這麼低 - 英檢

By Quintina
at 2011-05-22T21:52
at 2011-05-22T21:52
Table of Contents
※ 引述《lovemom (好)》之銘言:
: 請教有上過陳平老師寫作課的同學
: 我在陳平老師班上獨立寫作每次都拿4分以上
: 大多數都是4.5分以上 也有拿過5分
: 整合寫作比較差 但考到最後一次模考也有4分以上
: 我剛剛用TPO15電腦正式計分測試實力
: 寫作部分完全按照陳平老師上課方式及我之前模考的方式
: 寫起來覺得還滿順利
: 但是分數卻只有22
: 獨立寫作4分 整合寫作3分
: 怎麼會這麼低
: 比我平常模考還低不少
: 但是爬文後看到大家都說陳平老師改的比較嚴
: 也有人說陳平老師模板好用 正式考試拿到27分以上
: 那我想請問我的TPO分數為什麼跟平常陳平老師改的分數有落差
: TPO電腦計分的標準跟正式考試是差不多還是差很多呢
: 請有上過陳平老師課、有使用過TPO計分及有考過正式考試的同學幫我解答一下
: 謝謝
Given the arguments between the author and the lecturer about exotic
cane toads' spread, the author reports that there are several measures to
stop the spread of exotic cane toads in Australia. However, the lecturer
casts doubt on the contents of the passage. There are three different
points of views between two parties presented as follows.
First, it is in terms of building a national fence that the author
argues that this fence can prevent toads from moving into Australia.
However, the lecturer asserts that in no way will this fence stop the
spread of toads. That is, young toads and eggs are carried by the flow of
water which brings toads and eggs to the other side of the waterway.
Second, it is in terms of volunteers' capturing toads and destroying
eggs that the author confirms that young toads and eggs are easier to catch
and damage. Nevertheless, the lecturer contends that untrained volunteers
will damage native endangered frogs. In fact, young toads are
indiscriminative to native frogs.
Third, it is in terms of developing virus that the author maintains that
the virus will only harm cane toads, which prevents cane toads from maturing
and reproducing. Nonetheless, the lecturer claims that the virus will be
detrimental to the habitats of reptiles and amphibians. In other words, the
virus is harmful to native cane toads which are vital to ecological system.
Given the arguments between agreeing or disagreeing with the statement
that in order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn
to manage their own money at a young age, which one do I choose? It is
assumed that the answer is negative. However, I absolutely agree that
children should learn to manage their own money at a young age in order to
become financially responsible adults. There are three reasons presented as
First, it is in terms of children's making their own financial budgets
that they will become financially responsible adults. For example, only when
children take part-time jobs, do they understand it is difficult to make
money on their own. Therefore, they will tend to make financial projects
which can balance income and expenses appropriately in advance. In other
words, through this training, children will use their money efficiently and
Second, it is in terms of children's preparing for future living that
they will become financially responsible adults. For instance, once children
become adults in the future, they will need to make their own living to
survive. That is, the more working experience they undergo when they are
children, the better performance they will accomplish when they are adults.
As a result, not only can children be accustomed to earning money by
themselves, but also they can enjoy better living qualities in the future.
Third, it is in terms of developing children's financial independence
that they will become financially responsible adults. Namely, on no account
can children rely on their parents permanently. In fact, children should
become financially independent as soon as possible. On the contrary, if
children don't learn to be financially responsible, they may suffer from
dissatisfaction and depression when they become adults.
In conclusion, I totally agree that children should learn to manage
their own money at a young age in order to become financially responsible
adults for several reasons, among them children's making their own financial
budgets, their preparing for future living, and developing their financial
: 請教有上過陳平老師寫作課的同學
: 我在陳平老師班上獨立寫作每次都拿4分以上
: 大多數都是4.5分以上 也有拿過5分
: 整合寫作比較差 但考到最後一次模考也有4分以上
: 我剛剛用TPO15電腦正式計分測試實力
: 寫作部分完全按照陳平老師上課方式及我之前模考的方式
: 寫起來覺得還滿順利
: 但是分數卻只有22
: 獨立寫作4分 整合寫作3分
: 怎麼會這麼低
: 比我平常模考還低不少
: 但是爬文後看到大家都說陳平老師改的比較嚴
: 也有人說陳平老師模板好用 正式考試拿到27分以上
: 那我想請問我的TPO分數為什麼跟平常陳平老師改的分數有落差
: TPO電腦計分的標準跟正式考試是差不多還是差很多呢
: 請有上過陳平老師課、有使用過TPO計分及有考過正式考試的同學幫我解答一下
: 謝謝
Given the arguments between the author and the lecturer about exotic
cane toads' spread, the author reports that there are several measures to
stop the spread of exotic cane toads in Australia. However, the lecturer
casts doubt on the contents of the passage. There are three different
points of views between two parties presented as follows.
First, it is in terms of building a national fence that the author
argues that this fence can prevent toads from moving into Australia.
However, the lecturer asserts that in no way will this fence stop the
spread of toads. That is, young toads and eggs are carried by the flow of
water which brings toads and eggs to the other side of the waterway.
Second, it is in terms of volunteers' capturing toads and destroying
eggs that the author confirms that young toads and eggs are easier to catch
and damage. Nevertheless, the lecturer contends that untrained volunteers
will damage native endangered frogs. In fact, young toads are
indiscriminative to native frogs.
Third, it is in terms of developing virus that the author maintains that
the virus will only harm cane toads, which prevents cane toads from maturing
and reproducing. Nonetheless, the lecturer claims that the virus will be
detrimental to the habitats of reptiles and amphibians. In other words, the
virus is harmful to native cane toads which are vital to ecological system.
Given the arguments between agreeing or disagreeing with the statement
that in order to become financially responsible adults, children should learn
to manage their own money at a young age, which one do I choose? It is
assumed that the answer is negative. However, I absolutely agree that
children should learn to manage their own money at a young age in order to
become financially responsible adults. There are three reasons presented as
First, it is in terms of children's making their own financial budgets
that they will become financially responsible adults. For example, only when
children take part-time jobs, do they understand it is difficult to make
money on their own. Therefore, they will tend to make financial projects
which can balance income and expenses appropriately in advance. In other
words, through this training, children will use their money efficiently and
Second, it is in terms of children's preparing for future living that
they will become financially responsible adults. For instance, once children
become adults in the future, they will need to make their own living to
survive. That is, the more working experience they undergo when they are
children, the better performance they will accomplish when they are adults.
As a result, not only can children be accustomed to earning money by
themselves, but also they can enjoy better living qualities in the future.
Third, it is in terms of developing children's financial independence
that they will become financially responsible adults. Namely, on no account
can children rely on their parents permanently. In fact, children should
become financially independent as soon as possible. On the contrary, if
children don't learn to be financially responsible, they may suffer from
dissatisfaction and depression when they become adults.
In conclusion, I totally agree that children should learn to manage
their own money at a young age in order to become financially responsible
adults for several reasons, among them children's making their own financial
budgets, their preparing for future living, and developing their financial
All Comments

By Jake
at 2011-05-25T06:59
at 2011-05-25T06:59

By Joe
at 2011-05-25T17:53
at 2011-05-25T17:53

By Ula
at 2011-05-27T02:33
at 2011-05-27T02:33

By Odelette
at 2011-05-27T09:35
at 2011-05-27T09:35

By Rebecca
at 2011-05-28T12:40
at 2011-05-28T12:40

By Odelette
at 2011-06-01T04:22
at 2011-06-01T04:22

By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-06T02:17
at 2011-06-06T02:17

By Iris
at 2011-06-09T08:16
at 2011-06-09T08:16

By Quintina
at 2011-06-10T02:42
at 2011-06-10T02:42

By Regina
at 2011-06-13T23:30
at 2011-06-13T23:30

By Harry
at 2011-06-18T03:20
at 2011-06-18T03:20

By George
at 2011-06-22T10:08
at 2011-06-22T10:08

By Necoo
at 2011-06-22T12:51
at 2011-06-22T12:51

By Delia
at 2011-06-27T06:25
at 2011-06-27T06:25

By Dorothy
at 2011-07-01T05:53
at 2011-07-01T05:53

By Joe
at 2011-07-02T13:35
at 2011-07-02T13:35
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