TPO21 Autobiographical Memory - 英檢

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-05-22T17:03

Table of Contents

paragraph 1
Think back to your childhood and try to identify your earliest memory. How old
were you? Most people are not able to recount memories for experiences prior
to the age of three years, a phenomenon called infantile amnesia. The question
of why infantile amnesia occurs has intrigued psychologists for decades,
especially in light of ample evidence that infants and young children can
display impressive memory capabilities. Many find that understanding the
general nature of autobiographical memory, that is,
memory for events that have occurred in one's own life, can provide some
important clues to this mystery.Between ages three and four, children begin
to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past.
What factors are responsible for this developmental turning point?

According to paragraph 1, what is the evidence that a child has developed
autobiographical memory?
A/ The child is able to remember past events from before the age of three years.
B/ The child is able to describe past events in a sufficiently lengthy and
cohesive manner.
C/ The child is aware that he or she does not remember experiences from before
the age of three years.
D/ The child is able to give a basic description of the nature of
autobiographical memory.

想要請問一下答案為什麼是B不是D --> 如何從問題可以定位到 下面這句 然後找答案
Between ages three and four, children begin
to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past.
我以為 lengthy and cohesive -->是用來形容這些events
而B是用來形容manner 所以B錯!! --> 請幫我解答一下 感謝!

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-05-25T21:48
注意一下D選項的 "nature"
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-05-26T01:29
這位同學 你TPO21哪來的 可以跟你要檔嗎
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-05-27T07:26 註冊就可以用了!

TPO reading 閱讀第二篇缺題

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-05-22T15:56
各位先進們 小弟在練習TPO reading的時候,很多篇(像TPO12)section2的第二篇都會不見。 請問各位也有遇到一樣的問題嘛? 還是是PPT巨集安全設定的問題? 我都允許巨集阿,可是都做不到第二篇(也就是全部的第三篇)。 我也找了兩個不同來源的版本,可是都還是一樣。 請救命... - ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-05-22T13:51
大家好~又來發問了。 想請問一下版上有沒有也在練習口說的板友 可以互相交換一下 練習TPO口說的答案和寫作的練習。 我正在練習口說,使用教材是 TPO 1-15 我練習會把答案寫下來 順便練一練。 口說3-6題則是聽完一次 先寫下來回答的句子。 之後再聽幾次 更正自己哪裡沒聽到和句子哪邊可以回答得更好來 ...

5/28考試 要繼續做新的TPO聽力嗎?

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-05-22T11:57
如題, 小弟我目前聽完TPO1~6的聽力, 下禮拜要考試了,我要重複聽這12個set的聽力還是練新的呢? 麻煩前輩們指點一下 :) - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-05-22T00:36
別灰心,我英文也很濫,大學聯考才考三十多分. 是退伍以後 邊上班邊一點一滴練習的,也是考出來還可以的分數, 現在也拿一個美國碩士回來了,還是不錯的大學呢 你需要請一個家教把你的口說跟作文糾正過來,因為自己練不來 然後網路上找一些背單字的方法,最好不要用以前學校老師教的,因為會成功的話 你早就成功了. 背單字跟 ...

我的美國朋友想學好中文 (近台大)

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-05-22T00:32
※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板 #1Dr-BurN ] 作者: shela (雪特拉) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: [語言交換] 我的美國朋友想學好中文 (近台大) 時間: Sun May 22 00:06:11 2011 不曉得這篇文章會不會違反版規, 如果有違反版規請告訴我,我會自 ...