牛津 牙醫急問 - 留學

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-06-02T16:48
at 2012-06-02T16:48
Table of Contents
Sorry for typing in English.
There is a private dentist in the center of OX,
I went to there several times before for some basic treatments, such as
refill the hole and X-ray diagnosis.
If you want to try, you have to ask them if they would like to
accept a new patient and then make an appointment by phone.
The waiting time is usually about one week.
Be aware that they are not cheap, especially compared to Taiwan.
※ 引述《CarlosT40 (DJeter)》之銘言:
: 我在Headington做博士後研究
: 去年來的時候 就去住家附近的一間GP登記
: 後來就什麼動作都沒有了
: 今天牙齒有點痛
: 不知道怎麼辦
: 有查住家附近的牙醫
: 好像是要打電話去約
: 可是要跟他報什麼號碼嗎?
: 而且我查了一下網路 看牙醫好像很恐怖
: 有人有推薦的嗎
: Thanks
There is a private dentist in the center of OX,
I went to there several times before for some basic treatments, such as
refill the hole and X-ray diagnosis.
If you want to try, you have to ask them if they would like to
accept a new patient and then make an appointment by phone.
The waiting time is usually about one week.
Be aware that they are not cheap, especially compared to Taiwan.
※ 引述《CarlosT40 (DJeter)》之銘言:
: 我在Headington做博士後研究
: 去年來的時候 就去住家附近的一間GP登記
: 後來就什麼動作都沒有了
: 今天牙齒有點痛
: 不知道怎麼辦
: 有查住家附近的牙醫
: 好像是要打電話去約
: 可是要跟他報什麼號碼嗎?
: 而且我查了一下網路 看牙醫好像很恐怖
: 有人有推薦的嗎
: Thanks
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