朗文advance改錯 - 自學

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-10-03T23:04

Table of Contents

p.128 Q.3
The receptionist suggested coming back or telephoning later, but the job
applicant resented to be turned away and persuaded her to let him wait.

我知道 resent+Ving ,所以應該改為 to be turning 嗎?

P.136 Q.2
The supervisor decided his depressed employees, bored by their routine, needed
stimulated incentives and instigated their proposed benefit program.

應該改為 stimulating 對吧?
instigated their proposed benefit program 該如何翻譯?

P.140 Q.4
The attorney advising a leading manufacturer of cleaning products wanted
limiting liability protection.

應該改成limited嗎?整句該如何翻譯?~尤其是limited liability protection

P.181 Q.117
The corporation wanted its franchise liquidated.


P.191 Q171
What is one reason cited for discontinuing Ph.D. work?
(D) Lack of adequate texts



Tags: 自學

All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2007-10-06T20:59
being turned away


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-10-03T22:58
※ 引述《sunflowerc (sunflowerc)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《iforcei (hi)》之銘言: : : 1.請問一下,find a better job 是否除了指找到更好工作之外, : : 也可以用於在同公司內被升遷晉用呢? : 比較常看到的是 get higher position ...

多益朗文聽力問題...was going to 用法

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-10-03T22:48
※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板] 作者: goodfriends (do something) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: [解題] 多益朗文聽力問題...was going to 用法 時間: Wed Oct 3 21:57:55 2007 有一題是這樣的 Woman: I w ...

多益 part3 & 4要如何提升程度?

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-10-03T18:35
請問各位大大 希望是考750ㄉ大大回答 要如何提升多益part 3 和4的程度 這兩部分有傷腦筋耶 我的程度大約到近七百分上下左右 以OG那兩個模擬試題而言 可以分享一下如何衝破800或至少750 尤其是關於聽力這兩部分的平時準備方式 很急 煩請無私的分享方法 非常感謝 - ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-10-03T17:53
※ 引述《iforcei (hi)》之銘言: : 1.請問一下,find a better job 是否除了指找到更好工作之外, : 也可以用於在同公司內被升遷晉用呢? 比較常看到的是 get higher position or promote to better place/position 能不能當 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2007-10-03T16:43
1.請問一下,find a better job 是否除了指找到更好工作之外, 也可以用於在同公司內被升遷晉用呢? 2. sixteen forty-five on the meter plus one fifty for the toll road 請問其金額是16.45 加1.50 元嗎 ...