有關於我的社團簡述中文翻譯成英文 - 生活

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-03-23T00:00

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Tags: 生活

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Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-03-23T22:53
The high participation homepage thorough study society, the study basic homepage manufacture, studies for the purpose of application in the help class the homepage manufacture, holds the post of copy clerk section chief in the mass organization. The high two participations life appeal society, mass organization teachers teach us very to savor the life method for example: Does the paper folding, taste the tea, food mystery, how prepares food, appreciates the movie. High three participations studying society, the wholeheartedly preparation study measured, strengthens the extracurricular knowledge. These mass organizations participation let me live fill have picked much varied, let me live not tastelessly, how also let me learn and everybody lives in the association, the growth, association everybody all is together a heart, the division of labor and cooperation, achieved the peak efficiency, "shared joys, shares sorrows".
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2007-03-23T11:11
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Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-03-23T00:00
我申請到公務人員房貸補助好像有180萬,但也是首次購屋,目前個人有無擔保信貸及卡債約150萬,想買一間深坑的房子約620萬,該區域約可貸8-9成,我�� ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-03-23T00:00
如果一個人把另一個人打的半死不活的,甚至殘廢或著受傷壘壘,請問一下這個被打的半死不活的人可以把打他的那ㄍ人告到傾家蕩產嗎?我所說的傾�� ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-03-23T00:00


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-03-23T00:00
我是男生,內心陰影來自身邊的人對我生殖器官侵犯,很小的時候(不知道幾歲,應該是五歲前),就被家人帶去醫� ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-03-23T00:00
最近上了高中(其實半年了= =)
其中有幾個不管去哪都會找我或等我之類的(上課、放學、合作社、找老師......很多懶的打= =)
� ...