文法問題2 - 自學

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-07-21T16:16

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※ 引述《smallkind (又到了畢業潮)》之銘言:
: Even we had been behind schedule at one point,
: the proposal was submitted on time.
: 答案為even,但是錯在哪?

Even 甚至
Even if 即使、儘管


: When you send a fax from this machine remember to
: enter the area code for number that you are dialing.
: 答案為for number,錯在哪?(沒有for嗎)
: 還有第一個選項"from"===>是指利用這台機器嗎??

for the number 才是對的


Tags: 自學

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Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-07-21T16:07
※ 引述《smallkind (又到了畢業潮)》之銘言: : Being sure to complete the evaluation form before you leave the seminar : 這是選錯題 : 錯在being : 但是我不知道為什麼 : 大家敎我一下吧 : 明天要考多益~~~聽 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2007-07-21T15:58
Even we had been behind schedule at one point, the proposal was submitted on time. 答案為even,但是錯在哪? When you send a fax from this machine remember to ent ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-07-21T15:49
Being sure to complete the evaluation form before you leave the seminar 這是選錯題 錯在being 但是我不知道為什麼 大家敎我一下吧 明天要考多益~~~聽力好難~~~閱讀也不簡單 我苦了~~~~ -- Longman Prepa ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-07-21T15:48
最近暑假真的很想加強英文! 我認識一個學長!他說多看英文故事書會進步! 我就去看!可是幾乎每行都有看不懂的單字! 而且很多字都是跟原先我們背的有差! 像是ball一般是翻球! 可是他裡面有舞會的意思! 看了越來越灰心! 還文法! 像這句:Itand#39;s not for such as I ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-07-21T12:33
本文及詳細解說也同時發表於本人的Yahoo blog-多益英檢軍團 7月21日早上中高級考題,郭老師考完馬上跟大家分享! 也歡迎各路先進一起交流,提供更棒的答案: ================================================= 翻譯題的部份請同學記住一點, Tra ...