[揪團] 英文讀書會 - 台中

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-07-06T22:25

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※ [本文轉錄自 StudyGroup 看板 #1RFsR0YD ]

作者: cityjayjay (Charlie) 看板: StudyGroup
標題: [同好] [台中] 英文讀書會
時間: Fri Jul 6 20:55:20 2018

First of all, I have also made a pdf file to quickly explain it.
You can read it first if u like to. Below is the link:

1. 自介:Hi! I am Charlie. I was an exchange student in Amsterdam. Two years
ago I founded an English Speaking Group, but it was dismissed after I went to
work in Taipei and some members went abroad. Now I am back to Taichung and th
is time I would like to found an advanced study group.

2. 對象:The ideal participants should have enthusiasm for this script idea an
d dare to speak in English. (Suggestion: at least TOEIC 800)

3. 目標:It's a study group that participants can learn English through the sc
ript which can sort of help us speak more like the native speaker.

4. 原因:The purpose is to strengthen English speaking and English sense.

5. 地點:We will practice at McDonald. (台中市西屯區台灣大道四段620號)

6. 時間:The frequency is set up to once a week. The day will be decided by ma

7. 方式:First, by reading/listening and translating the script. Second, by
playing a little game called "Password"

8. 範圍:The script will be chosen from HIMYM or Silicon Valley by voting.

9. 人數限制:5 to 6 persons

10.解散條件:Less than 5

First of all, every time there will be two hosts to manage the gathering.
The hosts will say the line on the script to the participants.
Whenever the hosts think the phrase is a good sentence to learn,
the hosts will assign one of the participants to translate the sentence
the host just said from the script.
At last, those two persons who answered incorrectly the most will be the
hosts to manage the group next week.

Moreover, we will also practice the vocabulary together by playing a little
game called “Password” like this one below.

If anyone is interested in this script idea, please send me an email and
briefly introduce about yourself. [email protected]




All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-07-10T01:11
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-07-13T03:58
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-07-16T06:44
I would like to find, not found
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-07-19T09:31
To Mitsushine, thanks for reading my post, but y
ou are wrong. In here, "Found" means 成立. It's
not a past verb of find.
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-07-22T12:17
preferably avoid using same word in a paragraph
William avatar
By William
at 2018-07-25T15:04
u can use "establish" instead of "found"
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-07-28T17:50
Yep! You are right ~


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-07-06T21:53
小朋友慢慢長大, 雖然還沒有上學, 突然想開始研究一下兒童家具, 比如書桌椅或床之類的, 不知道除了IKEA, 有沒有推薦的品牌或商店可以參考? 謝謝 - ...

今天7月6號早上 五權西路車禍

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-07-06T21:40
早上發生車禍,若有認識其他台中人的請幫忙問一下是否有經過該路段,有沒有行車記錄 器 約莫10:50-11:00經過此處 前方急煞,跟著煞車摔車的,前方車輛沒有停車查看,開走了 朋友幫我打的內容 頭暈中 麻煩有認識的有紀錄 在告知我 謝謝! https://i.imgur.com/brTISIg.jp ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-07-06T21:23
原文43 我來簡單問幾個問題好了 這裡有兩個人AB 兩個人持有駕照及車輛分別為 A駕照:大貨車、自小客車、大型重型機車、普通重型機車 A車輛:大貨車、自小客車、大型重型機車、普通重型機車 B駕照:普通重型機車 B車輛:T2 249cc A的各種駕照證明了他會正常左轉,請問他騎白牌的時候是不是就 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-07-06T21:12
各位版友好,過陣子要回台灣了,之後想找間健身房常駐加教練,目前爬問加朋友推薦, 以下幾間好像不錯 1.美力 2.中力 3.極限 4.健身效應 想請問以上這幾間哪家選擇更好一些(希望評價能含裡面的教練,因為想買教練課上) 有推薦的工作室或小健身房也行,舊台中市區的範圍都可以接受(如果有推薦的教練可以 偷偷 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-07-06T21:04
以前很常吃熱河路上的興周炒手的酸辣麵 我覺得又酸又辣很好吃 可惜它倒了... 我想要找的酸辣麵 不是那種加酸辣湯的麵... 而是酸辣乾拌麵,目前有吃過逢甲阿貴姑的 酸辣乾拌麵了,但口味稍微淡了點 , 不曉得台中市區有沒有好吃的酸辣乾拌麵 - ...