找高手幫翻自傳(贈20點) - 生活

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-05-07T00:00

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高一時拿到生平第一張國家級證照─會計丙級,陸陸續續又拿到商教英文四級、電腦丙檢、中英打輸入、Word 、Excel等證照。
Tags: 生活

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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-05-10T06:35
I am 黃玉純, studying in 金歐 currently female medium comprehensive the senior high school information application course.From small growth at one and happy family, there are five members in a the Communist Party of China, the father is the ready-to-wear clothes processing plant to cut the member, the mother also is the sewing member in the processing plant, although parents of the educational background isn't high, is the attitude that the person deals with affairs in the society to me, has the very scathing tube to teach, they tell me "want to spend money, will learn to properly make money with own hands." since the childhood, so I always all have no pocket money, having a meal everyday of money, calculate precise, want to buy the private article, have to from in the rice money, the point saves 1:1, the parents work busy, forget to bring the thing to go to school, also extremely send to the school impossibly for me, develop my independence since the childhood independence, overcome desire of good habit.
My top still has a sister, an elder brother.The sister is the nurse whom an enthusiasm helps others, each three months fixedly donate blood, liking the child, being filled with the benevolence and be concerned with , often will teach me the medical science knowledge of some daily lifes, make my medical science knowledge compares the peers to want come of abundant, the nursing lesson wants to test "CPR", the sister is to with quiet attention guide me, I also not negative with patience, she gets the class only full marks.The elder brother is a person who is filled with the zeal to the computer, although what he read is the electronics section,he usually goes to the bookstore to delve into with computer related book, also let me also produce the interest to the computer because of he, he is like my computer dictionary, don't understand of the place asks him, always can solve problems with the greatest ease, dissolving the my worry in uncertainty for computer.
2006-05-09 08:47:07 補充:


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-05-06T00:00


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-05-06T00:00
我知道客廳財位的找尋方法,但是明財位之處剛好是窗戶(普通的窗戶,並非落地窗,是客廳光線的來源),玻璃窗的分布是2大1小,大的是左右開的那種(最普通� ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-05-06T00:00
做什麼運動腳可以變美阿?除了抬腿呢?有時到了下午就會水腫怎麼辦可以讓大小腿都變得有線條有不會有肌肉感謝� ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-05-06T00:00


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-05-06T00:00
我配戴眼鏡的時間已經有3年了! (小六暑假開始)
但是現在我突然不想戴眼鏡了 ... 很麻煩
眼鏡摘摘拿拿的很煩!< ...