戴爾美語托福TOP解析 - 英檢

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-05-16T10:42

Table of Contents

The arts of the Islamic book, such as calligraphy and decorative drawing,

developed during A.D. 900 to 1500,

and luxury books are some of the most characteristic examples of Islamic art

produced in this period. This came about from two major developments:

paper became common, replacing parchment as the major medium for writing,

and rounded scripts were regularized and perfected so that they replaced the

angular scripts of the previous period,

which because of their angularity were uneven in height.

Books became major vehicles for artistic expression,

and the artists whoproduced them, notably calligraphers and painters,

enjoyed high status, and their workshops were often sponsored by princes

and their courts. Before A.D. 900, manuscripts of the Koran

(the book containing the teachings of the Islamic religion) seem to have been

the most common type of book produced and decorated, but after that date a

wide range of books were produced for a broad spectrum of patrons.

These continued to include, of course, manuscripts of the Koran,

which every Muslim wanted to read, but scientific works, histories, romances,

and epic and lyric poetry were also copied in fine handwriting and decorated

with beautiful illustrations. Most were made for sale on the open market,

and cities boasted special souks (markets) where books were bought and sold.

The mosque of Marrakech in Morocco is known as the Kutubiyya, or Booksellers'

Mosque, after the adjacent market.

Some of the most luxurious books were specific commissions made at the order

of a particular prince and signed by the calligrapher and decorator.

1. In paragraph 1, why does the author mention the fact that the mosque
in Marrakech, Morocco, is known as the Booksellers' Mosque?
(A) To cast doubt on the importance of souks in making books available to
common people
(B) To provide an example of a place where books were made at the order of
a particular prince
(C) To emphasize how influential and well known the book markets were
(D) To demonstrate the need for religious texts in Islamic lands

TOEFL Reading之修辭目的題(Rhetorical Purpose)主要考點乃針對作者於文中所提之"字"
; "片語" ; "句子"之目的為何?
針對此種類題, 必須將關鍵詞回原文定位, 審慎細讀該考點詞在句中出現相關詞如,
for example; for instance ; Indeed; that is; in other words….;
相關之指示詞或代名詞等; 再往前判讀前句以解答.

題目: 在第一段中, 為何作者提到mosque in Marrakech, Morocco, is known as the
Booksellers' Mosque?
關鍵字詞---mosque in Marrakech / the Booksellers' Mosque
原文第一段 : Before A.D. 900, manuscripts of the Koran
(the book containing the teachings of the Islamic religion)
seem to have been the most common type of book produced and decorated,
but after that date a wide range of books were produced for a broad spectrum
of patrons. These continued to include, of course, manuscripts of the Koran,
which every Muslim wanted to read, but scientific works, histories, romances,
and epic and lyric poetry were also copied in fine handwriting and decorated
with beautiful illustrations. Most were made for sale on the open market,
and cities boasted special souks (markets) where books were bought and sold.
The mosque of Marrakech in Morocco is known as the Kutubiyya,
or Booksellers' Mosque, after the adjacent market.
Some of the most luxurious books were specific commissions made at the order
of a particular prince and signed by the calligrapher and decorator.

原文--- 西元 900年前, 可蘭經(Koran)之手稿似乎是印製與裝飾之書籍中最普遍常見之
種類, 但之後在各廣泛領域之贊助者所資助之下, 則出現了更多其他範疇之書籍.
當然, 這些書籍中不僅有包含每位伊斯蘭教徒所欲閱讀之可蘭經手稿;
而且也有相關科學作品, 歷史書, 冒險故事書,史詩(epic) 及抒情詩,
大多數書籍都在自由市場販售, 而且城市亦因在這特殊市場交易買賣書籍而自豪.
其中, 在摩洛哥之 Marrakech 清真寺(mosque) 被稱為Kutubiyya或
Booksellers' Mosque(書籍販賣者之清真寺).
根據判讀原文得知, 作者提到mosque in Marrakech,
Morocco, is known as the Booksellers' Mosque ,
答案選擇C .

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Tags: 英檢

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J2TOEFL 5/16字彙題預測

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-05-14T22:38
同學們好, J2TOEFL 5/16 字彙題預測出爐囉! 共一百個單字,考試同學把握時間複習喔! 下週考試同學也可以先預習! 新增不少黃色難字,同學特別注意喔! 歡迎加入FB社團後至檔案區免費下載:https://goo.gl/Yz0fMO 12/13 閱讀 ...

5/20(三) 彭湘平老師托福聽說免費進班

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-05-14T17:36
各位同學大家好 ,要在這裡跟大家分享一則好消息,^_^ 哈佛的王牌師資群,史無前例的要來開放 托福第一堂課的免費進班試聽課程了! 不過每班的座位有限,請同學提早報名,千萬別錯過了這個難得的機會。 -托福免費進班試聽課程- ☆5/18 (一) PM7:00-10:00 Chloe老師-托福寫作課程 ...

請問一種閱讀題目 不會提供段落在哪的

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2015-05-13T22:53
今天考滿分做TPO時 發現遇到一種題目 Why does the author mention the “rock paintings deep in the Sahara”? 他沒有跟我說在哪個段落 然後我也沒法有看到反白句子 所以這題我就直接跳過 後來時間不夠 找不到 我就靠常識去猜 後來我有點不安 因 ...

一戰 110, 送佛心得

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2015-05-13T20:18
[基本資訊] 《應考日期及成績》2015/04/18 R30 L29 S23(FFF) W28(GG) total 110 《求學背景》NTU CSIE 《英文能力敘述》大四 英檢中高級 L115 R112 高二 英檢中級 L117 R102 W80 S90 《考場地點 ...


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at 2015-05-13T13:58
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