想問問題 - 自學

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-07-20T00:55

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※ 引述《evil0906 (escape)》之銘言:
: 這是我在做TOEIC遇到的問題,不知道是我的觀念錯誤,還是答案錯誤.
: 希望板上的大大可以幫我解答疑問.謝謝!!
: 1. If there is a reason for ______ of the airconditioner, call
: the customer service department.
: (A)repairable (B)repaired (C)repairs (D)repairing
: 答案是: (C)
: 疑問: "for" 不是介係詞嗎? 為什麼不是用(D)?

你應該換一個思維想: repair可以當名詞用的喔!!!!
for repair 是一個介系詞片語 repair可為可數或以不可數呈現
舉例: I took my bike in for repair.
參考資料: Oxford Advanced learner's Dictionary 7th edition

: 2. Hotel room charges are subject to a 10% value added tax.
: 疑問: 句中的"are subject to "要做何解釋??

be subject to +名詞 有三種意思
1.a) if someone or something is subject to something,
especially something bad, it is possible or likely
that they will be affected by it
=> All flights are subject to delay. Prices are subject to change .
b) if something is subject to something such as approval,
it depends on that thing happening before it can happen
=> The funding is subject to approval by the Board of Education.
2.be subject to a rule/law/penalty/tax etc
if you are subject to a rule, law, penalty etc,
you must obey the rule or pay an amount of money
=> Violators are subject to a $100 fine
3 [only before noun] formal a subject country, state,
people etc are strictly governed by another country

那到底是哪一個解釋呢? 由上下文我們可以推測
中文試譯: 旅館費用包括原價10%額外加稅。

參考資料: Longman Contemporary English Dictionary 4th edition
的光碟版 subject(adj.)

: 3. Tickets can be ______ to the driver as you bored the bus.
: (A)presented (B)allowed (C)considered (D)purchased
: 答案是: (A)
: 疑問:為什麼會是選(A)而不是(D)?


to show something such as a passport to someone
in an official position so that they can check it:
e.g.The soldiers stopped them and said they must present their papers.
句型: present something to someone:
e.g.He presented his passport to the guard for inspection.

在這裡 present是指呈現,拿出而使物體有效力(法律上或團體中)
一下子看得出來是(A),是因為上下文中 提到as you bored the bus
當你上車要拿給司機車票 就國外的習慣而言(英語系國家) 你應該不會要用買的
另外我沒找到be purchased to這種用法 應該是purchase from吧= ="
(我五家學習性辭典的光碟加merriam-webster 大學辭典六本都查過了)
(B)allow 常用在允許入場 進入許可 (C)你應該不會考慮要選這個吧

參考資料:Macmillan English Dictionary for advanced learner
of American English(1st edition,2002)

: 以上這些問題,麻煩好心人士幫我解答一下~感恩


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Tags: 自學

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-07-20T04:13
推 很詳細 ^_^
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-07-21T05:32
改了第一題的參考來源 因為原來的例句不明確orz
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-07-25T10:00
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-07-30T02:25
解釋的好詳細 謝謝


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-07-20T00:29
※ 引述《evil0906 (escape)》之銘言: : 這是我在做TOEIC遇到的問題,不知道是我的觀念錯誤,還是答案錯誤. : 希望板上的大大可以幫我解答疑問.謝謝!! : 1. If there is a reason for ______ of the airconditioner, call : ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-07-20T00:27
1.Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test Advanced Course 3/e 和解答本 2.TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide 包含CD與解答本 聯絡方式:站內寄信 0927326827 Kari ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2007-07-19T23:49
這是我在做TOEIC遇到的問題,不知道是我的觀念錯誤,還是答案錯誤. 希望板上的大大可以幫我解答疑問.謝謝!! 1. If there is a reason for ______ of the airconditioner, call the customer service departmen ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-07-19T20:31
沒錯 我甚至覺得旋元佑文法是可以記載在語言史的一部書 假使說裡面的理論都是旋元佑老師自己想出來而不是參考其他文法書著作的話 為什麼這麼好的書 不能再版呢! ※ 引述《neile (neile)》之銘言: : 說到文法 : 最近在準備itp(即舊式托福)即ibt的我 : 很有感覺 : 旋元佑那本 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2007-07-19T20:21
說到文法 最近在準備itp(即舊式托福)即ibt的我 很有感覺 旋元佑那本 我2000年時就買了 但拍謝 整本看完了 覺得好像沒什麼感覺 但最近要考文法及準備托福 又把這一本重新拿出來讀 因為我聽過美加的袁老師說過 文法不會 不談作文 覺得她上的作文課不錯 想要好好寫作文 於是又拿出來好好看 這一次 我又整本 ...