急件!!麻煩幫我中翻英~~~~考試用!!(20點) - 健康

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2005-05-03T00:00

Table of Contents

問1:When is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it?
問2:What is the last movie you saw recently? Tell me about it.
問3:Tell me about your best friend. What made you two “good” friends
問4:Where do you live now? How do you like it?
問5:What holiday do you like the best? Why?
問6:What is the television show you like the best? Tell me about it.
問7:What activity do you usually do for fun? Tell me about it.
問8:How many members are there in your family? Tell me about them.
問9:Who is the most unforgettable person in your life? Tell me about him/her
問10:Do you like traveling? Tell me about your favorite country or city.
問11:What kind of music do you like the best? Tell me about it.
問12:Do you go to restaurants? How often do you eat out?
問13:Do you enjoy fast food? Why or why not?
Tags: 健康

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2005-05-03T23:19
1.My birthday is on October 2, usually my good friend can buy the cake
to help me to celebrate lives, passes a very happy night.
2.I recently watched the preposterous 10 this movies, this movie not
only is not fearful, very is instead funny!
3.My good friend's name is called Claire, our family lives very near,
moreover has the same interest, therefore only then becomes the
4.I live in the Yangming now, I like there, because has the fresh air
and the beautiful flowers.
5.I like the very long vacation, because may arrive the very many places
travel like this.
6.I like the synthesis skill program, because may relax the mood as well
as the belly laughter.
7.I most often recreational activity is window-shops, because
window-shops the thing which may buy many own to like.
8.My family has paternal grandmother, the daddy and the younger brother,
adds me altogether to have four people, paternal grandmother very
tenaciously, but the starting point all is good, daddy very
democratic, we like the friend to be same, younger brother very skin,
after but sometimes lets the person be very frustrated.
9.Elementary school's teacher makes I most unforgettable person, because
he to me very good, calculated I am very mischievous, he all cannot be
angry, moreover frequently has the between-meal snack to be allowed to
10.Yes, I like travelling, most likes Paris, because I thought he is a romantic city, hoped one day me to be able to go to there travel.
11.I most like the blue accent the music, because he sounds to be very
comfortable, makes one have the tranquil feeling.
12.Yes, but occasionally eats a time, usually is eats in the special
holiday, for example valentine day perhaps Mother's Day.
13.Yes, I like, because belly hungry time may very quickly eat, moreover
is very delicious, calculated he is ill health.


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2005-05-02T00:00
請問一下~~~1.床頭有插座是不是真的會影響到健康??2.會造成啥情況??3.如果換邊睡,腳對著插座,是不是也� ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2005-05-01T00:00
是這樣的我想要買蜂膠!!!!!!!但是我對這個(他算健康食品吧???)不是很董耶因為我身體不好體力也不好常常緊張走幾 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2005-05-01T00:00
如何正確的洗淨頭髮?我是油性髮質有沒有比較好的洗髮精可以推薦~(不傷頭皮的)因為聽說太香的洗髮精會傷頭皮�� ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2005-04-28T00:00
我的狀況是這樣的...我身材就都是肉肉的...基本上我幾乎都吃澱粉類的食物...特愛麵包...蔬菜水果吃的還蠻多的... ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2005-04-28T00:00