德州大學醫學院徵博後及博班生 - 留學

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2021-02-19T09:37

Table of Contents


UT Health Science Center at Houston

過成功拿到admission 的話,基本上都有fellowship



Postdoctoral Fellows


Ph.D. Graduate Students (through The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ce
nter UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)

[Job Location]
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
McGovern Medical School
Department of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology
Dr. Dung-Fang Lee Laboratory

Modeling human genetic disease has recently become feasible with induced pluri
potent stem cell (iPSC) methodologies. iPSCs provide a powerful and unlimited
source of cells to generate differentiated cells that can be used to elucidate
disease pathogenesis, for drug discovery and development, toxicology screenin
g, personalized healthcare and eventually cell transplantation-based therapies
. Our laboratory is dedicated to understanding cancer pathological mechanisms
by applying patient-specific iPSCs and/or engineered ESCs. We particularly foc
us on cancer-prone genetic disease disorders including Li-Fraumeni syndrome (L
FS) and hereditary retinoblastoma. We apply systems biology approaches to diss
ect cancer etiology and plan to develop potential therapeutic strategies to tr
eat and prevent cancers.

[Job Start Time]
2021 August (negotiable)

[Lab website]

[Job Qualifications]
Qualified candidates should have a Ph.D. in stem cell, genetics, animal models
, cancers, or other related fields. Expertise in iPSC and tissue culture, func
tional characterization of transcription factors, experience in next generatio
n sequencing analysis, and interests in iPSC-based disease platform and bone c
ancer preferred.

If you are interested in iPSC-based cancer research and our research topics, p
lease send your CV and a brief description of research interests to Dr. Dung-F
ang Lee (email: [email protected],edu)

Tags: 留學

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-02-19T15:17
推 人很nice 研究超強的李老師
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2021-02-22T14:13
推 人超好的佛心老闆

0313Erasmus+ 歐盟聯合碩士學程獎學金介

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-02-19T09:36
0313 「Erasmus+ 歐盟聯合碩士學程獎學金介紹暨校友經驗分享」講座,歡迎參加! 想要遊歷歐洲各國並獲得獎學金補助嗎?快來參加本場留學講座!「Erasmus+ 聯合碩士學 程」是由三個以上不同歐洲國家的大學組成學程聯盟,經過歐盟執委會審核通過後,一同 開授聯合碩士學程並提供學程獎學金。獲得獎學金補 ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-02-18T15:44
前面看到有大大創line被翻群 自己本身也沒有在用line 所以想說就用discord創好了 不同channel可以針對不同主題討論 好像會比較有系統一點 如果有興趣的話可以一起來聊聊互相加油 也歡迎學長姐們能來分享(或抱怨XD https://discord.gg/H4JAF595fA 這個連結應該不 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2021-02-18T00:26
一、發文前請先看版規 二、請詳閱置底之留學指南及精華區再行發文 版主 askaleroux 2015/01/16 如題,我想問一下版上有沒有上過那種專門升大學(學部)的日語學校,就是會教理科或 文科的那一種(有點預科班的味道?) 。如果有有沒有特別要注意的事項之類的,在這 邊請問一下版上前輩們。 - ...

英國MSc Bath/Nottingham/York HCI

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2021-02-17T22:43
(代po) 大家好 我目前收到幾間學校的offer但有點難以抉擇,主要在Bath 和Nottingham之間猶 豫,希望版友們或是畢業校友們能給予一些意見,非常感謝! * Bath: Human Computer Interaction MSc - 2 years including placement ...

2021 Fall 低三圍 ECE direct PhD

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2021-02-17T20:13
我把全部的申請資料(CV/SOP/LoR)放在簡單弄的git io上 有興趣可以去 https://sendurlanter.github.io/參考 以下我盡量簡短的總結這次的申請 (畢竟我之前再爬文時也只看我要找的重要資訊) [Program] All ECE PhD, research area: ...