幾題多益文法的問題,請大家幫忙 - 自學

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-10-15T06:06

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※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]

作者: SAMMY728 () 看板: Eng-Class
標題: [多益] 幾提多益的問題,請大家幫忙
時間: Mon Oct 15 06:05:10 2007

1.Sab consluting group is less expensive than jen consulting group

and its work is (just) as reliable.

我選as well,想說第2家公司也很reliable.

2.MR.Wang's performance is far superior to (that) of his associates.


3.Cost projections for the next fiscal year should be submitted by

the appropriate managers,as (indicated) on the chart below


4.They were surprised when they knew that the standard for the safety

of the product was much higher than (expected)


5.(Oppostion) to the school's new assessment policy has brought together

many preciously splintered student group.

選項中還有opposing,oppose,opposite 題目是不是出錯還是答案錯了??

6.All personnel should be ready to produce their photo ID cards when (asked)

to do so (of) a security guard.

這提答案是給of--by ,但是when後面不是要接asking嘛,是不是有兩個錯呢??

7.The material (A:to be included) in the new advertising brochures (B:have to

be checked) by the publicicity officer.

答案是B:have checked,我認為是A:改成which is included 是不是答案錯了呢??

8.The rising cost of (A:housing) in major cities (B:has led to) a number of

companies to relocate in rural areas.

答案是B:去掉to,但是未啥要去掉呢?lead to 導致,不是一個片語嘛,我認為A的


9.(A:The highest cost) cost of international telephone services is leading

many customers (B:to explore) other communication.



Tags: 自學

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Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2007-10-14T22:02
書名為 A Listening/Speaking Skills Book 共分為 interactions one andamp; Interactions Two 四個卡帶為Interactions one這本書 這兩本書是我大一英文系聽力課的課本 若想練聽說能力 是各不錯的選擇 全部只賣200元 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2007-10-14T19:34
我剛開始準備多益 目前手上兩本聖經都有 以學校經歷來看就是 高中時英文最強(大學聯考好像剛好高標) 到了大學研究所就沒啥特別念英文(只剩課本和paper) 做完OG的mini test和一次完整的測驗 對的題數為61和76題 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-10-14T14:10
閱讀的確可以提升自己的英文能力 外加你個人的知識增長 百利而無害 只是 閱讀不能當成唯一的英文增長能力工具 聽說讀寫絕對是相輔相成 個人認為 閱讀若要提昇英文能力基本上有限 第一 你的單字量要夠(GRE單字+TOEFL單字) 第二 你的文法基礎要夠(包括關係子句...等等) 在這兩個條件下 才有可 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-10-14T00:37
旋元佑老師又把1-5章放出來了喔... 之前沒看到的現在可以去看喔,因為 這2天我已經收到了30幾封信...哈哈 所以這幾天還沒有1-5章的可以去老師 的部落格去,在yahoo打上and#34;旋元佑的 部落格and#34;,就有了!! - ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-10-13T19:06
※ 引述《elvispresly (就感心耶)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《elemental (彼岸花.曼珠沙華)》之銘言: : : 想請問大家在看這些書時 有做什麼功課嗎? : : 覺得整段大致上看得懂就會一直念下去 : : 但是只是這樣看感覺自己還是沒記到什麼文法和單字 : : 如果每看到生字就去注意的話 ...