多益請教 - 自學

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-03-13T07:22

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※ 引述《namieanita (anita)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板]
: 作者: namieanita (anita) 看板: Eng-Class
: 標題: [解題] 多益請教
: 時間: Mon Mar 12 16:27:05 2007
: 抱歉都沒有解答 麻煩各位高手了 謝謝^^
: 1 Ms. Ki spoke quite excitedly while she_________ her sales presentation.
: a took
: b was taking
: c has taken
: d had taken

: 2 The need for in-service traning programs_____ as a result of advances
: in global competition,consumer expectation,and the opening of huge
: new markets.
: a is increasing b.have increased c. increased
A 的話... 目前的想法是因為 as a result 已經過去了.
我學妹是說因為 C 比較好聽 = =a
可是如果是正在 increase 咧? 阿災我還是會選 C.
反正 200題錯一題不會痛. XD
主詞是 need 所以 B 的 have 要改成 has

: 挑錯
: 3 Ms.Howard who spent severl years at our offices in Zurich, she shared with
: a-------- b-- c--- d ----
: us her ideas about contemporary patterns in trade.
: e--------
: c跟 d我猜是同一個選項,可是他又有空格 所以我不知道是五個選項還是??
: 請大家找出錯的幫我更正好媽
A 改成 spent, 我很確定這有問題, 可是中間的逗號就要改成句點 = =a
不然就是 Ms. Howard 後面要有逗點然後 she 拿掉.

: 4 Commercial cycles have been placed the scrutiny of statisticians so that
: a--------------- b------
: recurring patterns not obvious at first sight might be disclosed.
: c--------- d--------------
A 改成have placed
at first sight 沒問題

: 5 During the spring runoff,streams and rivers run full and waterfalls are
: a----- b--------
: with their most colorful.
: c--- d-----
C 改成 at. colorful 後面的 樣子(state? stance? 隨便啦) 被省略了.


學妹問個他的朋友的情況... 滿好笑的~:P
她在美國 so supposedly 她問的是美國人 Orz

~ ruru~ 說:
 let me ask a friend
[blah] 時間就是金錢啊朋友~~~~XD 說:
~ ruru~ 說:
 LCLeeman says: d. all of the above?
[blah] 時間就是金錢啊朋友~~~~XD 說:
 主詞 is need so it can't be B
~ ruru~ 說:
 LCLeeman says: e. damnit
~ ruru~ 說:
 LCLeeman says: if i had to choose one... "have increased" is my pick
 ~ ruru~ says: that's the one we're sure is totally wrong
 ~ ruru~ says: hahahaha
 LCLeeman says: E!!!!
 ~ ruru~ says: :D
 LCLeeman says: wtf
內有正妹照~= =/
對不起正妹不是我 = =a

Tags: 自學

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2007-03-15T04:40
第三題應該是C 我想重點是在關係代名詞who 後面的she會
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-03-16T11:35
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-03-18T07:03
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-03-21T13:04
第五題你舉的state和stance的介繫詞一個是用in 另一個是
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-03-24T23:04
也是用in或是前面加動詞adopt或take 所以不是改成in 就
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-03-25T19:20
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-03-28T10:24
嗯... 好像是耶齁? whoops :P 一直在想at their best ^^a
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-03-29T20:19
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2007-03-31T00:41
是很怪啦... WoW 打多了...Orz


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2007-03-13T01:21
※ [本文轉錄自 Kaohsiung 看板] 作者: FFz (澎湖.仙人掌.234) 看板: Kaohsiung 標題: [交換]大家說英語或空中英語教室 時間: Mon Mar 12 21:44:11 2007 ※ [本文轉錄自 Kaohsiung 看板] 作者: FFz (澎湖.仙人掌.234) ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-03-12T22:47
※ [本文轉錄自 Eng-Class 看板] 作者: namieanita (anita) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: [解題] 多益請教 時間: Mon Mar 12 16:27:05 2007 抱歉都沒有解答 麻煩各位高手了 謝謝^^ 1 Ms. Ki spoke quite excit ...

請問多益 Intermediate.Advanced.Introductory 3本書性質

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-03-12T22:44
請問Introductory Intermediate Advanced 3種COURSE書的性質 有什麼不同呢? 如果沒考過多益的新手要如何準備?(PS:很久沒碰英文了ˊ口ˋ) 多益OG好用嗎? 以上書籍如何and#34;使用and#34; 請高手大大們能為小弟解謎ˊ~ˋ.. - ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-03-12T19:31
請問~ 今天是報多益四月份的最後一天繳費日期(3/12) 剛剛去atm轉帳~顯示交易日已為明天(銀行三點關門的原因嗎?) 那這樣我到底算不算交易成功? 網站寫的3/12日是指晚上的12點之前還是下午各銀行的交易時間截止前呢? 拜託告訴我吧~謝謝 - ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-03-12T17:44
推 blaha:各人用詞習慣囉~ 請隨意 03/12 16:12 推 blaha:我是覺得give這樣用不會比take還怪 03/12 16:19 推 blaha:我的結論是我的話不會在這邊用 care. 這樣寫用use? 03/12 16:23 推 zhenpeng:請問你用give的依據是什麼? 搭配的動 ...