台中英語蛋 超迷你口說機經 睡前版 分享 - 英檢

By Erin
at 2015-07-11T22:56
at 2015-07-11T22:56
Table of Contents
各位版友大家好 我是The EGG Daniel老師
英語蛋The EGG JJ 可以了解大家的心情 特別推出 Mini EGG JJ
睡前版 特色 題目少 看完洗洗睡去吧 呵呵
上次推出寫作命中後 大受好評 這次再次推出口說版
只有15題 有看有推 有中更要推
1. Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you.
Include reasons and details to support your response.
2. Describe a tool or object that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain
why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your
3. Some people prefer to ask the professor for help, while others prefer to ask
other students. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
英語蛋 托福首選 http://www.theenglishegg.com/ 劍橋哈佛師資團隊 全力進駐
4. Do you like to travel alone or travel with your family members? Explain why.
5. A friend of yours wants to make a big purchase but does not have enough
money. What would you suggestyour friend do to get extra money?
6. Some people prefer to have a very tight schedule, while others prefer to
have more free time in their schedule. Which one do you prefer and why?
英語蛋 托福首選 http://www.theenglishegg.com/ 劍橋哈佛師資團隊 全力進駐
7. If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1. A
recycle program 2. Teaching children about vegetable growing 3. Teaching
children about healthy eating
8. An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help protect
the environment. What activity do you suggest and why?
9. When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts
that can be used?
英語蛋 托福首選 http://www.theenglishegg.com/ 劍橋哈佛師資團隊 全力進駐
10. Do you prefer to live in a residence where there are strict rules (such as
ruleagainst making loud noises at night), or do you prefer to live in a
residence without strict rules.
11. Some people choose to go to a school which is close to home so they can
keep their old friends. However, other people like to study far away from home
so they can make new friends. Which do you prefer and why?
12. If you were to study a new form of art, which would you choose? Wood
sculpture, portrait painting, or photography?
英語蛋 托福首選 http://www.theenglishegg.com/ 劍橋哈佛師資團隊 全力進駐
13. Do you prefer to participate in activities alone, or with a team or group?
14. Some students prefer to write their course papers a day or two before the
paper is due. Other students prefer to start working on their papers much
sooner, spending a little time each day to complete the paper. Which do you
prefer? Explain why.
15. Some people prefer to prepare for their exams in the morning. Others prefer
to do so in the evening. Which do you prefer and why?
晚安 祝你明天考試順利 :)
考完需要突破 歡迎來找專家
英語蛋托福小班 VIP 一對一 享有托福 完整聽說讀寫 睡前迷你版
英語蛋 托福首選 http://www.theenglishegg.com/ 劍橋哈佛師資團隊 全力進駐
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