關於一題TPO16 改寫題 - 英檢

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-07-11T15:23

Table of Contents

Trade and the Ancient Middle East

As among tribespeople, personal relationships and a careful weighing of
character have always been crucial in a mercantile economy with little
regulation, where one's word is one's bond and where informal ties
of trust cement together an international trade network.

(A) Tribespeople were comfortable forming personal relationships with merchant
s, who, like them, were
bound by their promises to one another.

(B) Because trade was not formally regulated, merchants were careful about w
hom they trusted and often
conducted business with people they knew personally.

(C) While trade among merchants relied somewhat on regulation, among tribe
speople trade was based
on personal relationships and careful character evaluation.

(D) Because tribespeople were bound only by their promises to one anothe
r, personal relationships were
formed only after careful weighing of character.


查韋氏字典 原句中where…可能有cause的用法

1但原文where子句對映在B選項裡面一個 formal 放在因一個 trusted在果
2原句 little regulation 如何變成 no formal regulated
3 always been crucial 變成 often

以上這幾點一直都想不通 感覺句子都被打散了

而C選項 While… 若翻成spite…雖然
前後部分就會有比較性 感覺也蠻通的
但 relied 好像也有點多餘


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Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-07-15T15:40
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-07-15T19:42
personal relationships和careful weighing兩者沒有
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-07-19T02:33
時間先後的順序關係,所以應該是not mention故不選(D)
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-07-21T02:23


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-07-11T13:07
我剛剛考完 聽力好像有點爆掉大恍神啊 覺得閱讀很順的寫完之後 聽力整個沒辦法集中注意力 而且都考恍神的地方不考聽懂的地方=.= 不然整份考題不太難啦 另外跟大家說一下今天獨立寫作的題目: Teachers should be paid as much as doctors, lawyers, and bus ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-07-10T11:30
請問有在美國考過的各位 如果不能在報到時間以前到會禁止入場考試嗎 我報名7/11考試 這邊的考試時間早上八點 報到時間七點半 由於地點在陌生又遙遠的地方 真的很擔心估計錯誤到時無法在七點半抵達 懇請有考過的大大經驗分享 謝謝!! - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-07-10T07:35
徵求對考托福有興趣的朋友,一起學習,在家自己念很無聊,呵,我喜歡閱聽自己有興趣的資料,對模擬題等較不感興趣,考試則憑實力,您可帶自己的備考資料,台南中,東區為佳,叫我,John - ...

台南 高雄 衝刺班問題

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-07-10T01:50
嗯,我不知道下這樣的標題對不對 在南部好像真的沒有幾間可以選的QAQ 我要的不是一上動輒半年的那種,而是有點像J2那種5堂到10堂左右的那種衝刺班 已經有自己讀兩個月,應該會考八月的場次,在上戰場之前希望可以有老師指點一下 因為J2和SK2都在台北,真的無法抽身去...... 看了一下板上的文章,台 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-07-10T00:00
各位好 不知道有沒有好心的人(考過且考得不差的人), 願意幫我改S跟W呢? 有意願的人請丟水球給我, 我們私底下談~~ 感謝! - ...