口說寫作例子發展法 part 2 by J2 - 英檢

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-03-16T16:35

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Hi all, 我是SK2TOEFL實力養成班顧問 J2.


Some students prefer to attend a university or college in their
hometowns. Other students prefer to attend a university or college
in a new city or town. 20171202

假設立場是prefer a university or college in a new city of town
其中一個論點是explore new things in the city. 發展可以怎麼作呢?可
以先用一下上次提到的抽絲剝繭法, 直接把城市裡的新事物拆成細項,直接

fancy restaurants, new park, bar

For example, in the morning, I can
go jogging in a new park, and then find a fancy restaurant to have
lunch, and maybe go to a bar at night to meet new friends. On the
other hand, if I study in a university in my hometown, it’s hard
to really explore new things because maybe I’ve been to most of
the places.

Some people let their children learn at home. Other people let
their children to study at school. Which would you choose? Why?

假設立場是學校上學比較好,第一個理由可能是interactions with
people, studying at school can help children have more
interactions with people.

抽絲剝繭:people: teacher, classmates, friends

1)during class, have questions can ask teacher or classmates,
group discussion with classmates,
2)during the break, can play with other kids,
3)after class, go home together, go to friends’ house

First, children need more interactions with people, and studying
at school can make children have more interactions with people.
For example, during class, when children have questions, they will
learn how to get their questions answered, such as asking the
teacher or asking classmates sitting next to him or her. Also,
during the break, children can learn how to get along with other
kids when playing hide and seek on the playground. In addition,
after class, children may go to friends’ place to have slumber
party. However, none of the above interactions can be done if
children learn at home.



Tags: 英檢

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Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2019-03-16T12:58
成績:Listening:29分、Writing:25分、Reading:27分、Speaking:22分 總分:TOEFL 103分(一戰) 準備資源:美加補習班、小站練習、考滿分APP 考場:台大LTTC andlt;前言andgt; 自認英文程度還不算太差,也一直都滿有興趣的,高中就通過全民英檢中高級 ...

3/22(五) 背景知識+架構閱讀公開課

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2019-03-16T02:31
大家好,我是SK2TOEFL實力養成班顧問J2. 你知道在閱讀中,歷史類是同學最害怕學科第一名,並且不知道為什麼, ETS又會把歷史類文章寫的特別困難嗎? 這時候,同學就需要有系統的方式把歷史類重點統整,公開課將會用心智圖 mind map的方式, 幫大家統整起來,並 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2019-03-15T23:35
對許多考生而言,口說測驗是最令人頭痛的項目 而托福口說測驗主要是測量考生在英語環境下, 使用英文在大學校園裡口語表達的能力。 考題內容有三種類型: 個人經驗喜好、校園情境、學術教材,考題內容都是類似校園裡會 遇到的真實情境。 本場專題講座 讓你一次了解: 托福究竟在考什麼? 托福口說考試的高分秘訣是什麼? ...

30多天110 感謝送佛協助(代Po)

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2019-03-15T22:15
原PO無帳號,此篇為代PO 原文連結:http://bit.ly/2HzKN6a 歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ http://bit.ly/beatTOEFL -----------------------------我是分隔線------------------------------ 30 ...

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Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2019-03-15T22:12
原文連結:http://bit.ly/2XU5bEZ 歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ http://bit.ly/beatTOEFL -----------------------------我是分隔線------------------------------ 一戰破百L30 S26,感謝送佛特 ...