北美台灣研究學會徵稿:2015年會@哈佛! - 留學

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-11-16T00:23

Table of Contents


Motions and the Motionless: (Dis/Re-)Connecting Taiwan to the World



The NATSA 2015 conference, titled “Motions and the Motionless:
(Dis/Re-)Connecting Taiwan to the World,” endeavours to advance global
Taiwan studies by setting Taiwan in motion, both in theory and in practice.
To capture something of the dynamics and energies infused in Taiwanese
society, this conference draws on an expansive concept of motion through
which we hope to attract papers that explore and exploit the term’s
potentials and complexities. Over the past few years, those concerned with
Taiwan have witnessed it in the midst of a series of fervent social upheavals
of various kinds. These are both themselves social movements as well as
responses and reactions to a set of other larger streams of economic,
political, social, and cultural motions. As a set of islands historically
populated by waves of immigrants and impositions of power, however, Taiwan
has long been caught up in and composed of motion. The rich connotations of
the main theme of “motions” will serve as a catalyst propelling us to place
Taiwan in dialogue with the diverse geographical connections and historical
contexts around the island and across the globe.

This conference invites scholarly works informed by the notion of
motion--movement, flows, circulation, acceleration, stoppage, repetition,
mobility, among others. Participants are encouraged to respond to current
theoretical and methodological debates in their own humanities and social
science disciplines that situate Taiwan within various trajectories and
networks of motion and movement. Such papers might seek to understand motion
located, embedded, or moving through a variety of different particular
locales, at a variety of different scales, and from the perspective of a
variety of different social and cultural arenas. Moreover, inquiries into “
motions” suggest a methodological push to understand the links between the
different locales (including those beyond Taiwan), scales, and cultural
arenas where social change and interactions take place. For instance, how
have demographic changes in Taiwan, as manifested in new dating, mate-making,
and reproduction patterns, relate to Taiwan’s changing socioeconomic status?
How do transnational flows of migration, trade, and cross-border investment
affect the circulation of energy and material objects in and out of Taiwan?
How do policies transfer and circulate among governments and countries,
connecting Taiwan to different epistemological flows and techniques of
governing? To what extent can various Taiwanese stakeholders influence
political, social and economic discourses both domestically and
internationally? How might Taiwan’s ties with the Pacific and South East
Asia reconfigure our understanding of the island’s cultural identity and
natural habitat? What different sorts of motions might emerge from a focus on
Taiwan and Taiwanese societies concerning water rather than land?

This conference will serve as a platform to explore all the complex and
interwoven dimensions embedded in the concept of motions and the motionless.
We expect our participants to compare widely and diversely beyond the
territorial boundaries defined by a putative focus on Taiwan per se. Topics
dealing with Taiwan in relation to, or in comparison with, other societies
are especially welcomed. We call for papers from across disciplinary
boundaries in the humanities and social sciences. By holding the conference
in Boston, a historically famed harbour of North America, we expect this
annual meeting at Harvard University to serve as an intellectual hub, through
which an exchange of ideas can be accelerated, scholarly and social
interventions can be re-imagined, and broader understandings of Taiwan can,
once again, be set in motion.

本次會議將邀請北美與東亞多位重量級學者擔任 featured speaker 以及論文

如果有問題,歡迎寫信洽詢會議秘書:[email protected]


Tags: 留學

All Comments


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2014-11-15T19:46
各位先進好: 小弟目前正在申請幾間2015十月入學的大學院博士項目(工科) 有些大學院有外國人選考/一般選考的順序是: 1.找好老師寫好答應之後會收的證明函 2.準備好資料寄出 andlt;=目前進度 3.繳費or其他 4.初審資料過關 5.複試 andlt;=小弟報的學校多為 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-11-15T16:26
像是在台灣 傳統的音樂性社團 就是管樂 國樂 弦樂 想問說在日本 特別是大學裡面 音樂性社團是 怎麼分類的呢? 想請問他們有在玩所謂的and#34;國樂and#34;嗎? (就是有 嗩吶阿 二胡阿 琵琶阿 之類的) 會這樣問是因為 有可能去日本留學 然後以前本身會國樂 (其實目前有再申請早大, ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-11-15T15:10
臺北市立圖書館留學資料中心為幫助有志於赴美研讀人文藝術科系的在學學生和一般社會 大眾瞭解美國人文藝術科系及獎學金申請方式,特別邀請具相關經驗的講師舉辦留學輔導 說明,歡迎民眾踴躍參加。詳情請洽(02)2707-1008,網路報名http://goo.gl/4Ib1XY 主題:留美人文藝術科系與獎學金申請 時 ...

Cornell 徵室友

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-11-15T14:36
大家好! 我是目前在Cornell的PhD學生,目前正在找室友。 我現在住在學校宿舍的Hasbrouck Apartments,房子格局是townhouse, 有上下兩層,下層是廚房和客廳,上層則有兩間臥室和浴室,月租$1135兩人分攤, 包水電瓦斯暖氣網路。由Hasbrouck到學校central ca ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-11-15T14:23
有人寄信問我到底是怎樣誇張的經驗 我就分享一下XD 首先我看到板上很多人覺得他們很不錯就寄信給他們 然後他們的回信:(以下為節錄) 我是sofi,可以中英文溝通。 我們有針對單一文件的編修、也有涵蓋留學諮詢、整合度更高的package deal 在編修文件方面,由於目前我們的編輯團隊時程表(至10 ...