北美02/11/2012 - 英檢

By Margaret
at 2012-02-12T07:13
at 2012-02-12T07:13
Table of Contents
I:light microscope/electronis telescope/transmission electron telescope
1.urban, especially suburban
2.possibly the decrease of coyoto
III:transgenic crops可能的好處及沒有好處的分析
加試? :Spartina, commonly known as cordgrass orcord-grass
native to the southern Atlantic Ocean islands
這篇大概只記得後面講Sp.被移植到美國其他地方去保護沿岸mash land
I:solution to summer housing for exceptional scenario that he needs to take
a class in summer session.
III: modern music composer avant-garde, John Cage, against classic music
如何he turned to modern music?
2.XXXX chamber-silent room=>一般人聽不到聲音,但作家聽的到聲音
V:business-1)congruent&2)incongruent advertisement.
1)ex-auto magzine with auto ad.
2)ex-cookies mag. with auto ad.=>potential overlaping customers
usually use 1)&2) in mixture.
finally, consumer: a new couple=>RV還family car沙小的=>good
=>sports car=>(bad idea)
XI:astronomy-2 possiple theories of the formation of gas planets
1. core accretion:先rocks然後一些重物質like金屬啥的也來了,等到
2. 先gas,後重物質(怎麼進到gas裡面形成core的忘了= =)
-Gravitational instability
-因為....所以形成時間比較短/長(忘了= =)=>教授因此覺得這理論比較靠譜
I: what KIND of pat would you recommend to your friend to have? (大致上啦)
II: what kind of novel, fiction or nonfiction?
III: free stu. play theater
R:make it free to others L:man who is an actor in it agrees
1.local community can attend 1.local people usually drive 1 hr
2.actors need audience to see an expensive show
2.local people can be the crowd,
which is important for the energy
of the actors.
EX: a joke needs the crowd to laugh
IV: R:phoresy-one animal that is not able to move well uses another animal
with littlt harm caused.
L:insect=mite that feeds on (pollens?nectar?)is too tiny to move from
one flower to another, so it uses a humming bird (that also feed on
some part of the flower?) to carry it to another flower.
V: P:man left his special book that can be acquired not from somewhere else but
only from some class his book in a lab. he needs it much tonight to study
for next morning's text.
S1:+)use notes tonight and go get the book 6am next morning when the lab
will open. -)needs to get up at 5am and only got 2hrs for study because
text starts at 8.
S2:+)share a book with some classmate and -)who sits next to him but often
misses the class and barely takes notes. +)this way, he may study whole
night with the book -)but probably ends uptutoring the classmate
most time.
XI: ancient civilization's economy: the way people pay for the goods or service
1.monetary system. EX:a bread maker can use money to buy a new coat from a
coat making who is doesn't want bread but moeny to sell the coat.
2.trade over distance for sth. they don't have. EX:Romans buy silk from
China, though silk was highly priced due to rarity.
int W.:
3 methods to stop the spread of oak tree's some kind of fungus infection
in 美國某地方(忘了哪)
R:for L:against
first, R:spores tend to disperse by 人's shoes and 單車輪胎(單字忘了)
so, washing the those things can be very cost-effective.
L:not true. mostly by stream of rives which carries the spores
over distance
second, R:some kind of chemical substance can enhance the trees to defend
the infection
L:the substance only lasts for a few months(too short)
依稀記得一段:imagine thoundsands of thousands of 人 inject dozes
every month
too many trees to put into practice too (expensive)cost-ineffective
third, R:clear-cut:burn and cut down the infected trees and vegetation around
them. 雖然確實會傷及無辜Q,但是blabla(忘了啥嘴砲理由),hence this
approach is practical
L:true for some cases. but greater ecological dangers because
most of the trees around the oaks in the area are rare types.
ind W.:
agree or disagree?
leadership comes nature: People cannot learn to be a leader
wish everybody luck
I:light microscope/electronis telescope/transmission electron telescope
1.urban, especially suburban
2.possibly the decrease of coyoto
III:transgenic crops可能的好處及沒有好處的分析
加試? :Spartina, commonly known as cordgrass orcord-grass
native to the southern Atlantic Ocean islands
這篇大概只記得後面講Sp.被移植到美國其他地方去保護沿岸mash land
I:solution to summer housing for exceptional scenario that he needs to take
a class in summer session.
III: modern music composer avant-garde, John Cage, against classic music
如何he turned to modern music?
2.XXXX chamber-silent room=>一般人聽不到聲音,但作家聽的到聲音
V:business-1)congruent&2)incongruent advertisement.
1)ex-auto magzine with auto ad.
2)ex-cookies mag. with auto ad.=>potential overlaping customers
usually use 1)&2) in mixture.
finally, consumer: a new couple=>RV還family car沙小的=>good
=>sports car=>(bad idea)
XI:astronomy-2 possiple theories of the formation of gas planets
1. core accretion:先rocks然後一些重物質like金屬啥的也來了,等到
2. 先gas,後重物質(怎麼進到gas裡面形成core的忘了= =)
-Gravitational instability
-因為....所以形成時間比較短/長(忘了= =)=>教授因此覺得這理論比較靠譜
I: what KIND of pat would you recommend to your friend to have? (大致上啦)
II: what kind of novel, fiction or nonfiction?
III: free stu. play theater
R:make it free to others L:man who is an actor in it agrees
1.local community can attend 1.local people usually drive 1 hr
2.actors need audience to see an expensive show
2.local people can be the crowd,
which is important for the energy
of the actors.
EX: a joke needs the crowd to laugh
IV: R:phoresy-one animal that is not able to move well uses another animal
with littlt harm caused.
L:insect=mite that feeds on (pollens?nectar?)is too tiny to move from
one flower to another, so it uses a humming bird (that also feed on
some part of the flower?) to carry it to another flower.
V: P:man left his special book that can be acquired not from somewhere else but
only from some class his book in a lab. he needs it much tonight to study
for next morning's text.
S1:+)use notes tonight and go get the book 6am next morning when the lab
will open. -)needs to get up at 5am and only got 2hrs for study because
text starts at 8.
S2:+)share a book with some classmate and -)who sits next to him but often
misses the class and barely takes notes. +)this way, he may study whole
night with the book -)but probably ends uptutoring the classmate
most time.
XI: ancient civilization's economy: the way people pay for the goods or service
1.monetary system. EX:a bread maker can use money to buy a new coat from a
coat making who is doesn't want bread but moeny to sell the coat.
2.trade over distance for sth. they don't have. EX:Romans buy silk from
China, though silk was highly priced due to rarity.
int W.:
3 methods to stop the spread of oak tree's some kind of fungus infection
in 美國某地方(忘了哪)
R:for L:against
first, R:spores tend to disperse by 人's shoes and 單車輪胎(單字忘了)
so, washing the those things can be very cost-effective.
L:not true. mostly by stream of rives which carries the spores
over distance
second, R:some kind of chemical substance can enhance the trees to defend
the infection
L:the substance only lasts for a few months(too short)
依稀記得一段:imagine thoundsands of thousands of 人 inject dozes
every month
too many trees to put into practice too (expensive)cost-ineffective
third, R:clear-cut:burn and cut down the infected trees and vegetation around
them. 雖然確實會傷及無辜Q,但是blabla(忘了啥嘴砲理由),hence this
approach is practical
L:true for some cases. but greater ecological dangers because
most of the trees around the oaks in the area are rare types.
ind W.:
agree or disagree?
leadership comes nature: People cannot learn to be a leader
wish everybody luck
All Comments

By Oliver
at 2012-02-15T22:29
at 2012-02-15T22:29

By Irma
at 2012-02-16T03:33
at 2012-02-16T03:33

By Erin
at 2012-02-18T12:17
at 2012-02-18T12:17

By Ula
at 2012-02-19T11:12
at 2012-02-19T11:12

By Victoria
at 2012-02-20T10:23
at 2012-02-20T10:23
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