凡事請注意 Terms and Conditions! - 留學

By Kelly
at 2011-05-11T20:51
at 2011-05-11T20:51
Table of Contents
接下來又有後續消息啦 ...
我寫信給 16-25 Railcard 的 Helpdesk 去問該怎麼申請 replacement,
並且在第二封信解釋我的情況,被轉到 ATOC 之後得到以下回覆
I am sorry that your Railcard has faded in this way,
Railcards are printed using a thermal coating and occasionally
this can fade even if it has been stored in a plastic holder or wallet.
We are currently working with our suppliers to trial different ticket
stock to solve this problem.
If your Railcard has faded and its is not caused by misuse or damaged,
you are entitled to a free replacement.
Please take your Railcard to a ticket office and they will be able to
issue a replacement for you.
It is helpful to have your receipt with you,
but the staff will be still be able to issue the replacement
if you have not got the receipt to hand.
If there is any query at the ticket office regarding this procedure
please ask the staff to consult “The Manual” which is the retailing
instructions that each ticket office will have access to the full procedure
is explained for staff in this publication.
I have also copied the instructions below:
Replacing faded Railcards
Customers whose Railcard has faded to the extent that the details on
it cannot be read should not be charged a replacement fee.
A replacement Railcard should be issued using the procedure detailed above.
Ask the customer to endorse the application form ‘Faded Railcard’ in the
Loss/Damage/Theft’ section and ensure the faded Railcard is attached to
the application form for audit purposes.
To establish the expiry date of the replacement Railcard,
please ask the customer to show either the receipt from their original
application form or a card payment receipt voucher.
However, if neither of these can be produced then the date of purchase
provided by the customer should be accepted
I hope this helps you to obtain your replacement.
※ 引述《xcycl (XOO)》之銘言:
: 最近發生件很鳥的事情是買票時 Railcard 被站務拿走,要求帶收據去給他才還我;
: 這看起來莫名其妙的事情,還都被寫在 Terms and Conditions 「保障」中。
: 先說明我第一年跟第二年買的 Railcard 都放在 Chiltern Railways 給的卡套中。
: 第一年的 Railcard 就這樣放了一年,上面的字體依然清晰沒有問題。
: 問題是這第二年買的,大約三個月左右上面的印刷已經變得很淡看不清楚。
: 有次往 Oxford 的車上,查票是提醒我可以直接拿去車站換新的 replacement,
: 到了之後也很順利換到沒什麼問題,也沒有拿出收據。
: 再過了三個月 ...這張 Railcard 又字體又消失了,前陣子
: 在倫敦順到去 London Marylebone 想換張新的,結果站務看了看,
: 只在後面蓋了章就說沒問題。好吧,我也天真地以為就算了。
: 就在前幾天在 Birmingham University 買票,只是拿出 Railcard 說要買到市區的票,
: 結果他要我拿給他,竟然就這樣抽走不還我,還說後面那個章只有當天有效
: (依據何在!?),要我拿收據再去找他。當然也賣我 STD 的票。
: (更扯的是他還忘了給我火車票,還差點一拳打在玻璃上才吐出說拿票給我)
: 正想要他解釋清楚的時候,還竟然把售票台的窗簾拉上。
: 跟我德國同學討論,拿出 Railcard 的 Terms and Conditions 出來看,
: 底下有兩項寫到 ...
: 9. The Railcard will not be valid if it is damaged.
: The Train Companies do not undertake to replace damaged,
: lost or stolen Railcards, or to issue refunds on unused/unwanted
: Railcards, or to extend their validity.
: However, an application for the replacement of a Railcard may
: be made at any staffed station ticket office
: (the completed ‘Receipt’ voucher of the original application form
: must be produced).
: 11. The Railcard does not become your property and if
: requested must be handed in to a representative of any Train Company.
: 好啦,根據我的情況,除非我有辦法說明那張字體幾乎消失的 Railcard
: 不算是 damaged 或是印刷的品質在正常情況下會消失,
: 不然沒有 Receipt 沒辦法換新的。
: 第二點則說,站務要你拿出來交給他,你就是得給他。
: 魔鬼藏在細節裡啊,這個用條文吃人的國家 .... :/
: 不曉得除了找到好心的站務,可以用 Photocard 查我的資料幫我印一張以外,
: 有沒有什麼其他辦法要回來?
我寫信給 16-25 Railcard 的 Helpdesk 去問該怎麼申請 replacement,
並且在第二封信解釋我的情況,被轉到 ATOC 之後得到以下回覆
I am sorry that your Railcard has faded in this way,
Railcards are printed using a thermal coating and occasionally
this can fade even if it has been stored in a plastic holder or wallet.
We are currently working with our suppliers to trial different ticket
stock to solve this problem.
If your Railcard has faded and its is not caused by misuse or damaged,
you are entitled to a free replacement.
Please take your Railcard to a ticket office and they will be able to
issue a replacement for you.
It is helpful to have your receipt with you,
but the staff will be still be able to issue the replacement
if you have not got the receipt to hand.
If there is any query at the ticket office regarding this procedure
please ask the staff to consult “The Manual” which is the retailing
instructions that each ticket office will have access to the full procedure
is explained for staff in this publication.
I have also copied the instructions below:
Replacing faded Railcards
Customers whose Railcard has faded to the extent that the details on
it cannot be read should not be charged a replacement fee.
A replacement Railcard should be issued using the procedure detailed above.
Ask the customer to endorse the application form ‘Faded Railcard’ in the
Loss/Damage/Theft’ section and ensure the faded Railcard is attached to
the application form for audit purposes.
To establish the expiry date of the replacement Railcard,
please ask the customer to show either the receipt from their original
application form or a card payment receipt voucher.
However, if neither of these can be produced then the date of purchase
provided by the customer should be accepted
I hope this helps you to obtain your replacement.
※ 引述《xcycl (XOO)》之銘言:
: 最近發生件很鳥的事情是買票時 Railcard 被站務拿走,要求帶收據去給他才還我;
: 這看起來莫名其妙的事情,還都被寫在 Terms and Conditions 「保障」中。
: 先說明我第一年跟第二年買的 Railcard 都放在 Chiltern Railways 給的卡套中。
: 第一年的 Railcard 就這樣放了一年,上面的字體依然清晰沒有問題。
: 問題是這第二年買的,大約三個月左右上面的印刷已經變得很淡看不清楚。
: 有次往 Oxford 的車上,查票是提醒我可以直接拿去車站換新的 replacement,
: 到了之後也很順利換到沒什麼問題,也沒有拿出收據。
: 再過了三個月 ...這張 Railcard 又字體又消失了,前陣子
: 在倫敦順到去 London Marylebone 想換張新的,結果站務看了看,
: 只在後面蓋了章就說沒問題。好吧,我也天真地以為就算了。
: 就在前幾天在 Birmingham University 買票,只是拿出 Railcard 說要買到市區的票,
: 結果他要我拿給他,竟然就這樣抽走不還我,還說後面那個章只有當天有效
: (依據何在!?),要我拿收據再去找他。當然也賣我 STD 的票。
: (更扯的是他還忘了給我火車票,還差點一拳打在玻璃上才吐出說拿票給我)
: 正想要他解釋清楚的時候,還竟然把售票台的窗簾拉上。
: 跟我德國同學討論,拿出 Railcard 的 Terms and Conditions 出來看,
: 底下有兩項寫到 ...
: 9. The Railcard will not be valid if it is damaged.
: The Train Companies do not undertake to replace damaged,
: lost or stolen Railcards, or to issue refunds on unused/unwanted
: Railcards, or to extend their validity.
: However, an application for the replacement of a Railcard may
: be made at any staffed station ticket office
: (the completed ‘Receipt’ voucher of the original application form
: must be produced).
: 11. The Railcard does not become your property and if
: requested must be handed in to a representative of any Train Company.
: 好啦,根據我的情況,除非我有辦法說明那張字體幾乎消失的 Railcard
: 不算是 damaged 或是印刷的品質在正常情況下會消失,
: 不然沒有 Receipt 沒辦法換新的。
: 第二點則說,站務要你拿出來交給他,你就是得給他。
: 魔鬼藏在細節裡啊,這個用條文吃人的國家 .... :/
: 不曉得除了找到好心的站務,可以用 Photocard 查我的資料幫我印一張以外,
: 有沒有什麼其他辦法要回來?
All Comments

By Genevieve
at 2011-05-15T18:37
at 2011-05-15T18:37

By Daph Bay
at 2011-05-17T22:01
at 2011-05-17T22:01

By Andy
at 2011-05-18T09:31
at 2011-05-18T09:31

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at 2011-05-21T13:15
at 2011-05-21T13:15

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at 2011-05-23T11:17
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