修改留學文件 editor - 英檢

By Selena
at 2009-01-15T14:31
at 2009-01-15T14:31
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※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板]
作者: chuchu0917 (chuchu) 看板: studyabroad
標題: [分享] 修改留學文件 editor
時間: Thu Jan 15 14:25:02 2009
狂推我的editor! ABC, 女生, 細心, 精準, 快速, 準時
1. 她是ABC, 略懂中文, 能了解中文的思維與用詞, 而後
2. 最值得ㄧ提的是, 工作速度飛快, 但別擔心, 她很細心!
從去年申請學校到今年在美國念書, 仍持續請她幫我edit,
我常拖到交作業前一天email給他, 她ㄧ定在24小時內改完
3. 寫作是個人風格, 她的文風比較溫和, 娓娓道來, 展現自信卻
不高傲, 我覺得很適合留學的申請文件, 我個人透過他的幫助,
投3中2, 並獲得全獎 (我們班11人, 僅2人獲得全獎)
4. 還有我喜歡她可以re-write&re-edit的服務 (re-edit相同文件半價),
我當時re-write並re-edit 3次, 她都很有耐心!
5. 付款流程: 先付頭款(全部費用的一半), 確認收到後, 她會立刻
開始工作. 到交件日, 她會寄已改好的文件的一半, 待費用全數
付清, 你就會收到整份文件囉
6. 想參考她的作品或找她edit文件 (附Word檔並註明交件日) ,
email: [email protected]
7. 收費: (美金計價)
ㄧ般件(Within 72 hrs) 急件(Within 24 hrs)
1-1000 words 0.05 /per word 0.06
1001-3000 0.04 0.05
3001-6000 0.03 0.04
Re-writing and re-editing would get a 50% off the above price.
8. 請參考她的自我介紹:
My name is Shau-Ru Lin. My major was Sociology and I have
three years of experience in healthcare consulting but I am able
to read essays or papers in any subject and correct them for any
spelling, grammar and idiomatic errors. I have had significant
experience helping students with personal statements for college
applications and writing assignments for classes like Sociology,
English Literature, Business and Law. I will not correct for
any errors of content; however, if I believe something stated
may be factually incorrect and could potentially result in a lower
grade on the paper, I will flag it for the author to review.
My GMAT verbal score is withing the top 10% of all test takers
and I previously received a 770 SAT writing score (out of 800).
If you would like me to edit your work, please email it to me at
[email protected] in Microsoft Word with the date you need it by.
I will expect that half the editing fee be paid up front, for which
I will return half of the completed paper. The complete paper will be
returned after I have confirmed that I have received the remainder of
your payment. I am able to provide references upon request and am happy
to answer any questions you may have about my work!
作者: chuchu0917 (chuchu) 看板: studyabroad
標題: [分享] 修改留學文件 editor
時間: Thu Jan 15 14:25:02 2009
狂推我的editor! ABC, 女生, 細心, 精準, 快速, 準時
1. 她是ABC, 略懂中文, 能了解中文的思維與用詞, 而後
2. 最值得ㄧ提的是, 工作速度飛快, 但別擔心, 她很細心!
從去年申請學校到今年在美國念書, 仍持續請她幫我edit,
我常拖到交作業前一天email給他, 她ㄧ定在24小時內改完
3. 寫作是個人風格, 她的文風比較溫和, 娓娓道來, 展現自信卻
不高傲, 我覺得很適合留學的申請文件, 我個人透過他的幫助,
投3中2, 並獲得全獎 (我們班11人, 僅2人獲得全獎)
4. 還有我喜歡她可以re-write&re-edit的服務 (re-edit相同文件半價),
我當時re-write並re-edit 3次, 她都很有耐心!
5. 付款流程: 先付頭款(全部費用的一半), 確認收到後, 她會立刻
開始工作. 到交件日, 她會寄已改好的文件的一半, 待費用全數
付清, 你就會收到整份文件囉
6. 想參考她的作品或找她edit文件 (附Word檔並註明交件日) ,
email: [email protected]
7. 收費: (美金計價)
ㄧ般件(Within 72 hrs) 急件(Within 24 hrs)
1-1000 words 0.05 /per word 0.06
1001-3000 0.04 0.05
3001-6000 0.03 0.04
Re-writing and re-editing would get a 50% off the above price.
8. 請參考她的自我介紹:
My name is Shau-Ru Lin. My major was Sociology and I have
three years of experience in healthcare consulting but I am able
to read essays or papers in any subject and correct them for any
spelling, grammar and idiomatic errors. I have had significant
experience helping students with personal statements for college
applications and writing assignments for classes like Sociology,
English Literature, Business and Law. I will not correct for
any errors of content; however, if I believe something stated
may be factually incorrect and could potentially result in a lower
grade on the paper, I will flag it for the author to review.
My GMAT verbal score is withing the top 10% of all test takers
and I previously received a 770 SAT writing score (out of 800).
If you would like me to edit your work, please email it to me at
[email protected] in Microsoft Word with the date you need it by.
I will expect that half the editing fee be paid up front, for which
I will return half of the completed paper. The complete paper will be
returned after I have confirmed that I have received the remainder of
your payment. I am able to provide references upon request and am happy
to answer any questions you may have about my work!
All Comments

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at 2009-01-16T16:33
at 2009-01-16T16:33

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at 2009-01-16T19:11
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