作文的模板?? - 留學

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-07-22T11:40

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Those people who advocate this issue often have the following reasons.
In contrast, opponents would argue that.....



請大家不要鞭的太用力! 謝謝

Topic: abortion is a kind of murder or woman's right

The past few decades have seen a dramatic debate on the controversial issue of
abortion. While some still hold to the conservative view that abortion should
be prohibited by authorities for its nature of murder, it is my personal
belief that women who have pregnancy should possess the right of abortion.
The reasons for my position are as follows.

As far as I am concerned, it is a mistaken connection between murder and
abortion. Despite of the debatable definition about the beginning of life, it
seems to me that life begins after birth/parturition. For example, how a
fetus becomes viable, that is, potentially able to live outside the mother's
womb, albeit with artificial equipments. Therefore, admittedly, aborting by
no means equals ending up one's life maliciously.

Further and even more importantly, though, the right of abortion should be
viewed as the right of privacy. As women have the liberty of being pregnant,
similarly, it should be women's decision on whether or not terminating her
pregnancy. Of course, some would argue that the medical procedure is
extremely risky in the last stage of pregnancy. Nonetheless, I would contend
that right of abortion should not be totally banned, but in order to protect
maternal lives, the authority has an interest in forbidding it.

By way of conclusion, I hold an opinion that this problem is so complex that
no divine pills can be suitable for it in the short period. However, I once
reaffirm my standpoint that the liberty of abortion ought to be allowed as
the explanations outlined above.


Tags: 留學

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2008-07-25T04:10
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-07-27T14:24
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2008-07-30T21:04
f大可以順便寄給我嗎 感謝
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-08-02T07:28
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-08-04T05:33
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-08-08T13:55
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-08-09T06:06
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-08-11T01:56


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2008-07-22T04:49
不好意思 可不可以問一下牙醫的問題勒 最近我的牙齒有開始在微微的痛 痛的地方是之前在臺灣有抽神經的哪一顆 但是因為時間來不及 抽了兩次後 就補起來 回英國了 結果最近有點微微的痛 但是要到11月才會回台灣所以想請教ㄧ下 在英國的話這樣的話要去哪裡看牙醫勒 謝謝大家摟 ※ 引述《huliaso (hulias ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-07-22T02:07
Daimond大可以嘗試跟你的GP問看看轉診物理治療吧, 要不然這還真不是比小開銷ㄟ~ 既然D大提了這個病症的相關經驗,我就翻譯一下NHS給的建議吧. (這樣不知道要不要改成專治腰痛的標題?) 翻譯的滿爛的,只有逐字翻.不過有些地方跟D大以及 ...

關於去英國唸computer science

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-07-22T00:13
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關於去英國唸computer science

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-07-21T23:18
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Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-07-21T22:48
現在正在填英簽的申請表,想請問有經驗的大大 因為還在ioe和warwick中考慮 ioe要念五周的pre 八月四號就要開始了 warwick是uncon 九月底才開學 但是我要先出發去唸ioe的pre再決定要念那一間 ...